Offers Overview

Offers are central to the success of your customer engagement program.

Before you can create an offer, you must complete the following requirements:

  • If you want to configure the offer targeting, you must create a customer profile or create a customer list. (See Target Section for more details).
  • If you want to create an offer that requires a purchase, your company must provide TIBCO Engage with your transactions files. (See TIBCO Reward 15.4.0 Integration Guide for more details).
  • If you want to create an offer that requires the purchase of a specified product or category of product, you must provide TIBCO Reward with your product files and your transaction files. (See TIBCO Reward 15.4.0 Integration Guide for more details).
  • If you want to use the Points Per Event Value award type, you must create Events first.
  • If you want to restrict purchase evaluation criteria to certain stores, you must create a list of stores first.
  • If you want to use percent off (% off) or monetary unit off (monetary units off) awards, you must have real-time processes implemented with your e-commerce or POS system.
  • If you want to use the Unique Reward Code award type, you must upload your inventory of code values before you issue them as rewards. (See Reward Codes for more details).