Sample Comma Separated Value Format Table

This table conveys information about the fields to be included in a Transaction data file in their native file format. A table such as this enables TIBCO Reward’s engineers to set up an automated process for transforming the file every time it is sent.

Field# Field Description Type Length Sample Data Notes
1 TransactionID String 13 0009200618053
2 RetailLocID String 5 00072
3 ReceiptDateTime DateTime 19 2012-09-06 00:14:21
4 CustomerEMail String Varies JANE@DOE.COM Optional
5 LineNumber Numeric 3 002
6 ItemSKU Numeric 6 001469
7 Quantity Numeric 6 000001
8 ExtendedAmount Numeric 9 000004.40 Includes decimal
9 CardNumber Numeric 16 1111222233334444