Creating Target List from File Import


  1. From the Target > Customer Lists page, select Create New > List From File Import.
    The Create List from Import wizard is displayed.

  2. Define the List Properties: Enter text in the three fields: Enter Name, Enter Description, and Enter Source.
  3. Select the source file.
    1. Click Browse.
      A standard dialog box, titled "Choose file", is displayed; you can navigate to the location of the list file you want to import.
    2. Double-click one list, in .txt file format, from your computer. The dialog box closes.
    Note: Your list must contain one or more properly formed email addresses, separated by line breaks.
  4. Read the text following the Accept terms and conditions check box. Verify whether the list you are uploading meets the criteria. If it does, select the check box.
    Note: If the list includes email addresses from customers who have not provided permission for emails to be sent to them, do not select the check box. Make the necessary changes outside of the CRMS platform.
  5. Select Settings (Import As, Email Opt-In, Updates) for your purpose according to options available in the respective drop-down list.
  6. To receive an email notification when your import is complete, enter an email address.
  7. Click Create to complete the process.
    A pop-up window is displayed with the message "Your list is being created and will be available shortly. You can return to the Lists page without affecting this process by clicking "OK"."
  8. Click OK.
    This returns you to the Target > Customer Lists page, and displays a new row of information for this list in the table. The Status field for a newly created list is very important, because it indicates whether the list was successfully created. The Ready, In Progress and Failed lists can be viewed through the respective tabs in the Customer Lists page.
    • If the list creation process succeeds, the list is displayed in the Ready tab. This list is ready to use.
    • If the list creation process fails, the list is displayed in the Failed tab. The list creation process failed and the list is not available.
    • Depending on the complexity of the list creation task processing, the list may be displayed in "In Progress" tab for a few minutes until the processing is completed.