Data Content Types

TIBCO Reward and its clients exchange data of the following types:

  • Transaction
  • Customer
  • Product catalog
  • Location
  • Reward
  • List
  • Profile
  • Generic Event
  • Custom Question

Each of these types of data is described in brief below. For more complete information about the processes and formats used to transfer these types of data, refer to Batch File Integration, On Demand File Exchange, and Post-integration Maintenance and Monitoring.


In the context of TIBCO Reward’s technology, transaction data includes data concerning purchases or returns of products or services, and also customer data. The Transaction File is the data feed that clients most commonly provide to TIBCO Reward.

Transaction data allows TIBCO Reward to award points and give other rewards based on offers. In addition, it builds the ability to target customers based on their purchase behavior. Also, clients can view the performance of customers.

Typical TIBCO Reward implementations involve the loading of a historical transaction file that provides two years worth of data and a daily transaction file. The daily files transmitted to TIBCO Reward include new transaction information. During our requirements phase we will work with you to determine the historical and daily volume of data transfers.


Sometimes called Shopper data or Loyalty Member data, this data refers to our client’s customers.

Clients give TIBCO Reward customer information together with transactions to be able to track behavior, report, target, and communicate to customers. After the initial loading of the customer data, customer updates (deltas only) can be provided to TIBCO Reward on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, using the Transaction File format.

TIBCO Reward gives back new registration and updated customers so that clients can maintain their own records.

Product Catalog

The product catalog includes information for each individual product SKU or service supported by a client.

Use this file if you want to:

  • Present SKU-specific and category-specific offers.
  • Target on past purchases of specific SKUs or categories.
  • Collect category preferences from Customers and target on them.

This file should always be the master file. All Product data will be overwritten on each file load.


Includes store or sales channel information for each store.

This allows clients to target on store information, including store locations. For example, the zip code of stores can be compared to the zip code for loyalty program members to determine their proximity to a store for targeting.

Similar to the Product Catalog data load, this file should always be the master file. All store information will be overwritten on each file load.


Point-based programs generate rewards, typically by converting points into rewards, such as gifts or gift cards.

Rewards refer to goods, gift cards, credits to a reward account, etc.

Rewards data (for example, Reward Export files) generally go to the client or a client-designated third party for fulfillment of the rewards.


Lists are fixed groups of customers as defined by their email addresses. Most CRM and marketing systems treat customer groups as lists, so TIBCO Reward provides native support of the concept.

Exchanges of list information typically involve handing lists from one system to another so that the recipient can perform an action based on the list.

Clients can import customer lists to be used for sending email within the CRMS or for reporting. Clients can also export customer lists to be used in external systems.

List data import includes email addresses. Because the email address serves as a unique identifier, it allows access any other existing customer data.


A profile is a set of business rules that defines a group of customers. A profile dynamically defines a customer segment by filtering a customer population with targeting parameters such as gender, location, prior purchases, etc. For example, a profile might comprise a set of demographic criteria that are used to filter one list of customers in order to define a new list.

Clients can define profiles in the CRMS and export profile information from the CRMS (for example, lists of customers who match a profile).

Generic Event

Use generic events to capture data about customer activities and behavior beyond the TIBCO Reward system. Examples of generic events include customer actions such as writing a product review, abandoning a product in an online shopping cart, playing a game online, or adding an item to a list of favorite products.

The generic event file includes event-related data that a client provides to TIBCO Reward. This event data enables TIBCO Reward (and by extension, the client) to:

  • Identify specific events
  • Collect data about customer actions performed during these events
  • Target these customers (creating profiles) based on the collected event data.

TIBCO Reward uses generic event data to extend its customer-analysis capabilities so that clients can capture and use customer data from a wider variety of sources. In addition to customer transaction data, the most commonly used source of customer data, the generic events framework can capture records of any customer actions that marketers consider significant, as long as the event data meet the basic requirements defined for a generic event record.

In the context of TIBCO Reward's generic event processing, an Event is defined as "an action taken by a customer (known as the subject) on an object (a data entity, such as an item or person) at a given time". As an option, an event can be defined to include a "master value" that adds greater specificity. For example, you might define a customer review of a product as an event. Referring to this event, the basic definition is: customer X (subject) reviews (action) product Y (object) on date (time). You could add a product rating value (for example, a zero to five star rating) as the master value, to gather even more detail about this customer activity.

Generic Event data includes such information as:

  • Event ID
  • Event Reference tag name
  • Subject
  • Object
  • Event Date and Time
  • Master Value

The ability to target customers by event data adds a new dimension to your existing customer profiling tools and extends the reach of your marketing resources beyond the limits of traditional data sources.