File Format

The exported file includes the data described in the table below.
Field Name Type Length Description
CommunicationInternalName nvarchar 1000 Communication Name
CommunicationId int 4 Unique Identifier
CustomerEmailAddress nvarchar 200 ShopperKey.EmailAddress
CustomerNumber nvarchar 200 ShopperKey.RetailerShopperId
CommunicationSentDate datetime 16 Email Sent Date
Delivered int 4 1=Yes/0=No
Opened int 4 1=Yes/0=No
OpenDateTime datetime 16 Open Time. Only provided if the email was opened
Clicked int 4 1=Yes/0=No
ClickedDateTime datetime 16 Click Time. Only provided if a link in the email was clicked
Bounced int 4 1=Yes/0=No
BounceDateTime datetime 16 Bounce Time. Only provided if email bounced

Here is an excerpt from an Email Statistics Export File.

PRS: Send email 1 (exclude not sent email 3)|1723|||2007-01-02


PRS: Send email 1 (exclude not sent email 3)|1723|||2007-01-02


PRS: Send email 1 (exclude not sent email 3)|1723|||2007-01-02

12:49:38.350|1|1|2007-01-02 20:55:05.390|0||0|