Customer Export Data Table

Valid only for clients who do not have custom attributes in their export

Field Name Description Data Type Size Sample Data Notes

Internal TIBCO Reward identifier for the file export

Integer 12854
Registration Date

Date the customer (shopper) completed their registration for the client’s program.

DateTime 19

“CCYY-MM- DDThh:mm:s s”

If the customer has signed up on the client’s microsite, this value will be the date the customer completed signup. Otherwise, this value will be equivalent to the CreationDate.

LoyaltyLabCreationDate Date the customer first entered the TIBCO Reward system. DateTime


“CCYY-MM- DDThh:mm:s s”

If the client provided a historical transaction feed, this value will be the date of the first transaction appearing for the customer.

ShopperStatus Customer status String 50

“A” = Active “I” = Inactive

When a customer opts out of the loyalty program, this value will be “I”. Otherwise, the value will be “A”.

LoyaltyMember Membership indicator – indicates membership in the client’s loyalty program.



“1” = Loyalty member “0” = Non- Loyalty member

When a customer opts out of the loyalty program, this value will be “0”. Otherwise, the value will be “1”.
SourceOfChange NOTE: This is a deprecated schema element. Where the change came from. Either the client, customer or CSR. Enum “Shopper”, “CSR”, “Other”
Note: Source Of Change is deprecated. It is not supported. If it appears in a schema, be aware that the data is not used or usable.
ShopperID Client’s unique identifier for a customer String 50 “123459876”
LoyaltyLabShopperI D TIBCO Reward’s unique identifier for a customer


10 100123456
Title String


“Mr.”, “Ms.”

FirstName String 100 “Jane”
MiddleName String 100




100 “Doe”
ShopperAddress Customer’s address (record)
Address Line1 String 100 “123 Main Street”
Address Line2 String 100 “Apt. 1”
City String 100 “San Francisco”


2 “CA”


String 100 “94104”
Email Customer’s email address. String 100 “jane@exam”
EmailOptIn Email communications opt-in status. Denotes that the customer accepts commercial emails from client.


1 “1”– opted in, “0” – opted out

If the customer has opted out of receiving marketing emails, this value will be “0”. In all other cases, this value will be “1”

PhoneNumber Customer’s phone number.




LoyaltyCardNumber If a client has a loyalty program in place, this is the customer's ID card number for the current loyalty program. String 100 “112358”

This field is only applicable if the customer registers a loyalty card (not a credit card) when joining the client’s main program, in which case this field will contain the card number of the loyalty card. Otherwise, this value is not be included.

TierInfo Current tier information (if applicable) for the customer (record informat ion)
TierName Name of the customer’s current tier. String 100 “Base tier”, “Second tier”

Name of the customer’s tier as it appears in the CSR tool; also used for display purposes when using Tier Signage.


The date the customer qualified for the current tier. DateTime 19 “CCYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss”
StatusUpdateDateTi me

The time when the customer record was most recently updated.

String 100 “CCYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss” This value is updated with the time the change was made in the TIBCO Reward system.
PointBalance Current point balance for a customer (if a point program exists). Decimal “10”, “5000” Loyalty member’s current point balance, if applicable.