Batch File Naming Convention and Example

Each of the different batch files for a given client is, by agreement, assigned a name that follows this convention:

<client_name>_<file type>_<YYYYMMDDHHmmss>.<file extension>,


  • client_name is an identifying text string name assigned by TIBCO Reward
  • file type is one of the following:
    • transactions
    • products
    • stores
    • shoppers
    • rewards
    • list
    • event
  • YYYYMMDDHHmmss is the date and time of the file transmission, including the year, month, date, hour, minute, and second of the transmission.
  • file extension is either xml or txt, where txt is used to indicate a text file (for example, a comma separated or tab separated value file, or a width/location-defined value file)

For example, on January 1, 2012, at exactly 11:30 PM, a client, "BrandX", should send a transaction data file in XML format named: BrandX_transactions_20120101233000.xml

When the file is a text file (for example, a comma-separated or tab-separated value file), the file extension should be “.txt”.

Other XML batch files sent by the same company on the same day at the same time would be assigned similar names; the only change would be in the text string representing the file-type. For example, a product catalog file would be named: BrandX_products_20120101233000.xml.