Rewards Data Table

Field # Name Description Type Length Sample Data Notes
1 LoyaltyLabRewardID TIBCO Reward's unique identifier for a reward. Integer




The compensation type of the reward. It can be: “OfflineRebate” (External Rebate), or “Bonus”. See the Award Type table following this table. String 100 “B” , “O”

RewardCompensation for Reward Center redemptions will always be “B.”

If you are using automatic point conversion, the RewardCompensation will be “O”.



Text of the associated reward.

String 255

“100 Points”, “$20 Credit”,

This field contains different strings of text, depending on the type of reward:

“$<Amount> Credit” – Dollar/Percent Off

“<CRMS Description>” – Bonus

“$<Rebate Amount> Rebate” – External Rebate

“<Points><PointsName>” – Points Program

“$<Rebate Amount> < Award Description>” – Automatic Point Conversion Award

“<Reward Product Description>” – Reward Center.

4 RewardValue Value of the associated reward. Decimal 10


This field contains different strings of text, depending on the type of reward:

“20.00” – Bonus, Dollar/Percent Off, External Rebate “100”– Points

Note: Does not apply to reward catalog items



Client’s shopper identifier

String 50 “112358” This element is not included in the output if ShopperId is not captured in the TIBCO Reward system.

InStorecardShop perId

TIBCO Reward's unique identifier for a shopper. Integer 10 12345
7 FirstName


100 “Jane”
8 MiddleName String 100 “C”
9 LastName String 100


10 AddressLine1 String 100

“123 Main Street”

11 AddressLine2 String 100 “Apt. 1”
12 City String 100

“San Francisco”

13 State String 2 “CA”
14 PostalCode String 100 “94104”
15 PhoneNumber Phone number of shopper earning the reward. String 100 “415-555-1234”
16 EMail E-mail address of shopper earning the reward. String 200 “jane@ex”
17 ProcessDateTime The date and time the reward was processed at Reward DateTime 19 CCYY- MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm No equivalent in XML format
18 PointBalance

If there is a point program, the customer's current point balance.


10 200.0000
19 PointBalanceExtr actDate DateTi me 19 CCYY- MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm
20 OfferId ID of Offer within TIBCO Reward that generated the Reward.

Intege r

9 4372897
21 OfferName A description of the Offer within TIBCO Reward that generated the Reward. String 100 “$15 off $100 purchase”


LoyaltyProgramID String



This field only applicable if the shopper registers a loyalty card (not a credit card) when joining the client’s main program, in which case this field will contain the card number of the loyalty card. Otherwise, this value will not be included.