Purchases & RFM

Use the purchases filter to select customers who have made purchases of specified products or purchases within specified categories within specified time periods.

The logical conditions used in the purchases filter are based on the data provided to Reward by your company in its most recent product catalog file. If this file is not provided, this filter cannot function.

Target customers based on the following types of past purchase filters:
  • Past Purchase by Category
  • Past Purchase by Product
  • Past Purchase by Brand

For each filter, three drop-down lists are displayed. The default values for each are displayed:

  • Timeframe : use this first control to select the number of purchases. Note that zero purchases ("0 purchase") is not a valid response, and that "any purchase" means one or multiple purchases (any number greater than zero).
  • In the last 3 months : change this to the time period in which purchases must have been made. The time limitations range from "In the last week" to "In the last 2 years".
  • Add Product/Brand/Categories : use this filter to add the targeted products, brands, and categories.
RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary value) is one of the fundamental segmentation systems applied to retail markets. You can use RFM to filter customers based on any or all of the following conditions and your settings for each condition:
  • Recency : number of weeks since the customer last purchased (positive transaction).
  • Frequency : how often the customer made a transaction within the chosen time frame.
  • Monetary Value : the net spending of the customer within the chosen time frame.
  • Membership Lifespan : how many weeks it has been since the customer enrolled in the loyalty program.
  • Lifetime Spend : the net spending of the customer since enrollment in the loyalty program.

You can use the tender filter to target customers based on recency, frequency or spend using a select tender type within a defined period of time. Using this profile filter, you can encourage customers to make purchases using a certain tender type (like a private label credit card).

Target customers based on the following filters:

  • Recency by Tender : a defined timeframe during which the customer last made a purchase using selected tenders.
  • Frequency by Tender : a defined number of purchases using selected tenders within a selected timeframe.
  • Monetary Value by Tender : a defined monetary spend using selected tenders within a selected timeframe.