Events Filter

The generic event targeting provides you with flexibility in how you use a generic event to build a customer profile. For each event added to the profile, you can build profiles that segment customers. For example:

  • Specify how many times a customer performed or did not perform the event in a certain time frame.
  • If the object is a product, you can target customers that performed the action on any one specific product, a group of products, or any product in your product catalog.
  • If Event Value has been enabled for the event, you must enter a value that can be used to further define the target profile. For example, for a product review, enter a number that describes the number of stars assigned to the reviewed product.

You can add multiple generic actions to a profile. This can be used, for example, to build a profile of customers who took a specific action on a group of products, or who took two related actions (for example, reviewed and invited a friend to join your online store and also reviewed a product).