Uploading the Reward Catalog File

CRMS users import their current reward catalog in CRMS. Using this feature, clients can upload their items and then edit and manipulate the catalog directly into the CRMS.


  1. Log into the CRMS and navigate to rewards > reward items.
  2. Click Upload Rewards File.
  3. Browse to locate and select the file to import.
  4. Verify that the file format is acceptable.
    • Note that your file must be in either comma separated value (CSV) or tab delimited format.
    • Links to sources of help on file and data format are provided on the screen.
    • If the files are not correct, make changes as necessary. Use the appropriate editor application to change and save the file.
    • You may need to use the Browse button again.
    • After selecting the file, click on upload.
  5. Once the upload is complete, navigate to the rewards > reward items tab to see the items listed.