Customer Data Table

Field Name Description Data Type Size Sample Data Notes

Client’s unique identifier for a shopper.

String 50 “123459876” Client-defined identifier. Can be used for customer and transaction matching; should be unique.
Title Customer’s Title String 4 “Mr.”, “Ms.”, “Dr.”
MiddleName String 100 “C”
LastName* Required, if ShopperName is provided. String 100 “Doe”
AddressLine1 Required, if ShopperAddress is provided.



“123 Main Street”
AddressLine2 Optional. Used to augment Line1, or to provide an alternate address. String


“Apt. 1” This data is only updated if Customer (shopper) information updates are enabled and AddressLine1 is provided.
City Shopper’s city. String 100 “San Francisco” Should be correct for use with address.
State Shopper’s state. String


“CA” Should be correct for use with address.

Shopper’s postal code, for example, U.S. zip code.

String 100


Required for location- based targeting.

ShopperPhoneNumber Shopper’s given phone no., including area code. String 100 “408-555-1234” Shopper phone number. Not used for matching customers or transactions.

Format: <alphanumeric>@<alphanum eric>.<alpha>

anyURL 1


Preferred field for identifying a customer. This should be a unique email address identifying this shopper. Note that this email address must be well-formed so that it passes standard email address validation rules. See section the Email Address Validation Criteria section for more information. --Note that an email address is required in the TIBCO Reward system. If it is not provided for new customers, an “” email address is added by default.

LoyaltyProgramID+ Loyalty Card number - a unique ID that can be used as a primary or secondary customer identifier for members of the loyalty program. String 100


Do NOT send this number if the customer is not a member of the loyalty program.

LoyaltyMember Indicates membership in client’s loyalty program. Flag/bit 1 “1” = Loyalty member “0” = Non- Loyalty member To remove a shopper from the loyalty program, set this value to “0”. For an existing Loyalty Member, the value should be “1”; for an existing customer who is not a member, "0".
EmailOptIn* Controls the status of whether a shopper opted in to receive emails other than administrative emails. Bit 1

“1”", “0”

This field is required. However, in the rare case when this is not provided, TIBCO Reward will default to “0” – not opted in – for privacy reasons, and the shopper will not receive marketing email communications.

*Data is required in the file.

+ As explained in the Customer Data Purpose and Usage section, one of the customer ID values must be selected as a standard and consistently supplied for all customers. One of these values is required, not all.