List of APIs
The following table lists the API calls as of the 13.1 release and provides the standard API descriptions.
Important: Refer to for
a list of these same API calls. This online list includes links to a formal
description of each API. This description includes the following:
See API Entity Attributes and their Properties for additional information about the data used in the APIs.
Method Name | Description |
Add RewardProductToCatalog | Adds a reward product to a reward catalog (successful if the product is already associated with the reward catalog). |
AddShopperToProgram Method | Adds a single customer to a given program. Use this API to add an existing customer to your Loyalty program. In addition, this API can be used to add a customer to a club. |
AddShopperToTier | Adds a shopper to a tier. If tier downgrading is not allowed and the passed program would result in a downgrade, the new tier is not assigned. |
AddTransaction Method | Adds Transaction data. |
AdjustShopperPoints Method | Changes the point balance for a Customer. Use this API to increase or decrease the current point balance by a specified quantity of points. |
AdjustShopperPointsCustomAttributes | Adjusts the point balance for a customer. Use this API to increase or decrease the current point balance by a specified quantity of points. You can also optionally specify the point type, and a textual description along with this call. |
AdjustShopperPointsWithExpirationDate | Adjusts the point balance for a customer. Use this API to increase or decrease the current point balance by a specified quantity of points. You can also optionally specify the point type, and a textual description along with this call. Note: PointLifecycle must be enabled to use this method. |
AdjustShopperPointsWithExpirationDateCustomAttributes | Adjusts the point balance for a customer. Use this API to increase or decrease the current point balance by a specified quantity of points. You can also optionally specify the point type, and a textual description along with this call. Note: PointLifecycle must be enabled to use this method. |
AdjustShopperPointsWithRedemptionCustomAttributeCheck | Adjusts the point balance for a customer. Use this API to increase or decrease the current point balance by a specified quantity of points. You can also optionally specify the point type, and a textual description along with this call. |
AssociatePurchase | Associates an external point purchase identifier with a point purchase in Reward's system. |
AuthenticateUser Method | Creates and returns an authentication token for the API user. This token is good for a rolling 20 minutes. |
ChangePointStateByExternalId | Changes the state of a set of points in a given point bucket matching the point purchase transaction on the given purchase id generated by the partner system. |
ChangePointStateByLoyaltyLabId | Changes the state of a set of points in a given point bucket matching the point purchase transaction on the given purchase id generated by the partner system. |
CreateAndScoreShopper Method | Creates a new enrolled customer and immediately score the customer for offers and clubs. |
CreateEventInstance Method | Creates a new instance of a generic event. Use with a specified generic event. |
CreateRegisteredCard | Creates a registered card for the specified customer. |
CreateRewardProduct | Creates a new reward product and returns the newly created entity with updated Reward ID and image URL. If the RewardProductID is specified it will be ignored and overwritten in the response. The image will be queued for download in our system from the supplied URL and overwritten with our URL in the response. The last update will be set automatically. |
CreateRewardRedemption | Creates a Reward Redemption. For clients using the reward catalog, this API creates a redemption for an item for a customer. |
CreateRewardRedemptionWithEvent | Create Reward Redemption With Event. For clients using the reward catalog, this API creates a redemption for an item for a customer and creates an event to record the redemption as a generic event. |
CreateRegisteredCard Method | Creates a Registered Card for the specified Customer by its TIBCO Reward internal ID. |
CreateShopper Method | Creates a new enrolled Customer. |
CreateShopperWithCard | Creates a Customer entity that is a member of the Main Program. In addition, it will create the included RegisteredCard and associate it with the Shopper. |
CreateUnregisteredShopper Method | Creates a new customer that is not a member of the Loyalty Program. |
EnrollShopper | Enrolls shopper. This request can be processed for unregistered customers (that is, customers not enrolled in a loyalty program). Response must include a response code according to standards. |
GetCSRAuthenticationToken | Gets Single Sign On authentication token for a CSR user by email address. Please refer to the Single Sign On Integration Guide for usage information. |
GetCodesForShopper | An obsolete method. Please call GetCodesWithSkuForShopper. |
GetCodesWithSkuForShopper | Allows client to retrieve all reward code redemption information for a single shopper by shopper id. |
GetCurrentPointPrice | Returns a point price for the current base price, based on the product pricing criteria currently in effect. |
GetCurrentPointPrices | Returns point prices for multiple products using their current base prices, based on the product pricing criteria currently in effect. |
GetCustomAttribute Method | Gets the value of a custom attribute for a customer. |
GetCustomEntitiesByReferenceTag | Gets custom entities and the referenced object from a custom entity reference tag, reference type, and reference ID. |
GetCustomQuestionsForShopper Method | Gets custom questions and answers entity for a given customer. If the customer had previously answered the questions, the responses will be included. |
GetEventDefinitions Method | Get available Event Definitions. |
GetPlcAvailablePointsByDate | Gets Point Life Cycle available point balance for shopper from RedemptionPointState by transaction date range. |
GetPlcAvailablePointsByDateByPointGroup | Gets Point Life Cycle available point balance for shopper from RedemptionPointState by transaction date range and by point group. |
GetPointPrices | API that returns point prices for multiple products using their current base prices, based on the product pricing criteria currently in effect. |
GetProductBySKU | Gets the product entity associated to the SKU. |
GetProfilesByShopperId | Gets an array of profiles that the specified shopper is associated with. |
GetPurchaseAwardForReturns | Gets award amount for returns. |
GetReferedFriends | Returns the list of referred friends. |
GetReferenceObjectFromUniqueCustomEntity | Retrieves the reference object (the shopper, redemption, etc.) given a custom entity reference tag, reference type, and field data of a custom entity field or fields marked unique. |
GetReferenceObjectsFromSearchableCustomEntity | Retrieves an array of reference objects (shoppers, redemptions, etc.) from a custom entity reference tag, reference type, and field data of a custom entity field or fields marked as searchable. |
GetRegisteredCard Method | Gets registered card information for a customer by the TIBCO Reward internal ID. |
GetRewardCatalogById | Gets a reward catalog entity from the Reward ID. |
GetRewardCatalogByRetailerCatalogId | Gets a reward catalog entity by the retailer reward catalog ID. |
GetRewardCatalogsByRewardProductId | Gets an array of reward catalog entities to which the passed reward product ID belongs. |
GetRewardProductById | Gets a reward product entity from a Reward reward product ID. |
GetRewardProductByUniqueSKU | Gets a reward product entity for a SKU. (Assumes the SKU is unique in the Loyalty system). |
GetRewards Method | Gets all active reward Items in the reward catalog. Note this is all rewards, not rewards by customer. |
GetShopper Method | Gets customer information by TIBCO Reward shopper ID. Gets an extended customer entity, which includes the point balance. |
GetShopperAuthenticationToken Method | Returns the total number of points earned by a shopper in a given time frame, the shopper being identified by the email address. |
GetShopperByEmail Method | Gets a detailed list of tiers. |
GetShopperByID Method | Returns the stores. Data is split up by pageIndex (starting record) and pageSize, so calls should be done in smaller page sizes for faster response and transmission. |
GetShopperByMergedVictimID | Gets all Registered Cards for a customer. |
GetShopperByRegisteredCard Method | Gets redemption order items for a shopper between a pair of dates. |
GetShopperByRetailerID | Gets information regarding the redemptions of the given shopper. |
GetShopperByUserName | Gets information regarding the redemptions of the given shopper. |
GetShopperOffers Method | Returns the set of awards earned by a shopper in the specified date range. |
GetShopperOffersExtended | Gets all live clubs available for a customer to join. Also gets current club memberships. Also gets tier or main program membership information. Note: program membership information is very dependent on loyalty program setup. |
GetShopperPointBalance Method | Finds the number of points of a given type expiring within a given time window for a shopper. |
GetShopperPointBalanceByBalanceType | Gets a customer's current point balance. The customer identifier passed is the identifier in the client's system. |
GetShopperPointBalanceByDate | Returns the current number of points for the specified customer in the specified state. |
GetShopperPointBalanceByPointGroup | Gets a shopper's point balance for all point types within the specified point group. |
GetShopperPointBalanceByPointState | Gets total point balance for the shopper by points post date range. |
GetShopperPointBalanceByRetailerID | Gets a customer's current point balance of a certain point balance. |
GetShopperPointsExpiring | Gets a customer’s current point balance. |
GetShopperPrograms Method | Gets all the offers that are both live and scored for a customer. Includes the clip status of all of the offers for the specified customer. |
GetShopperRedemptionsByDate | Gets all the offers that are both live and scored for a customer. Includes the offer clip status of all of the offers for the specified customer. |
GetShopperRedemptionsByLoyaltyProgramId | Gets a Customer by the customer's alias or username. It is expected that this is your unique internal identifier for the Customer. Please contact your Account Manager before using this API. |
GetShopperRedemptionsByShopperId | Gets a customer by the client's unique customer key. It is expected that this is your unique internal identifier for the customer. Please contact your Account Manager before using this API, since the initial integration with your company may have repurposed the RetailerShopperID parameter for another use. |
GetShopperRedemptionsOrderItemsByDate | Gets Customer Information by Registered Credit Card. This only applies if the customer is a member of the loyalty program and your company is collecting Registered Card information. |
GetShopperRegistedCards Method | Gets a customer by the client's unique customer key. It is expected that this is your unique internal identifier for the customer. Please contact client services before using this API, since the initial integration with your company may have repurposed the RetailerShopperID parameter for another use. |
GetStores | Gets customer information by TIBCO Reward customer ID. |
GetTierPrograms | Gets a customer entity, identified by their email address. |
GetTotalPointsEarnedByEmailAddress | This method provides authentication for clients using single sign on. |
GetTotalPointsEarnedByLoyaltyCardNumber | Returns the total number of points earned by a shopper in a given time frame, the shopper being identified by the loyalty program's card number. |
GetTotalPointsEarnedByRetailerShopperId | Returns the total number of points earned by a shopper in a given time frame, the shopper being identified by the client's shopper identifier. |
GetTotalPointsEarnedByShopperId | Returns the total number of points earned by a shopper in a given time frame, the shopper being identified by Reward's internal shopper identifier. |
GetTransactions Method | Gets the complete transaction history (all Transactions) for a customer. |
GetTransactionsByDate Method | Gets all transactions for the customer within the specified date range. |
GetTransactionsWithTenders | Gets transaction history with tenders for a customer. |
ImportTransaction | Provides the ability for transaction data (purchases and returns) to be processed in real time against any live purchase based offers that award points, setup and configured via the CRMS. |
ImportTransactions | Provides the ability for transaction data (purchases and returns) to be processed in real time against any live purchase-based offers that award points, setup and configured via the CRMS. |
MergeAccounts Method | Merges one customer account into another, retaining attributes for the second account. |
MergeShoppers Method | Deprecated. Use MergeAccounts instead. |
PointsPurchase | Computes a point price for the current base price, based on the product pricing criteria currently in effect and applies those points towards purchasing the specified sku. If point groups are enabled, do not use this API but instead use PointsPurchaseWithPointGroup. |
PointsPurchaseWithPointGroup | Computes a point price for the current base price, based on the product pricing criteria currently in effect and applies those points towards purchasing the specified SKU. |
RedeemOffer | Returns the ShopperRewardItemRedemption based on the offer that is setup for qualifying on generic events and awarding reward codes. |
RedeemReward Method | For Clients using the reward catalog, this converts points into the specified reward for a customer. |
RedeemShopperRewardCerificate | Redeems a reward certificate number which was generated for the shopper. |
ReferFriend | Use this API to refer a friend for the loyalty program. |
RemoveRewardProductFromCatalog | Removes a reward product from a reward catalog (successful if the reward product is not currently a member of the reward catalog). |
ReversePurchaseAwardForReturns | Redeems amount on Stored Value Card for Returns. (This API is only supported for some clients. Please check with your Account Manager). |
ScoreShopper | Sends a message to the scoring queue. |
SendCommunicationToEmailAddress | Accepts one email address and one email communication ID and uses this data to send one email to the one customer identified by the email address. Validations: the customer must be in active state; communication must be in live status. Override will bypass shopper opt-in flag. |
SendCommunicationToEmailAddresses |
Accepts a string array of email addresses and one email communication ID and uses this data to send the email to the multiple customers identified by these email addresses. Validations: shoppers must be in active state; communication must be in live status. Override will bypass shopper opt-in flag. |
SendCommunicationToShopper | Accepts one retailer shopper ID and one email communication ID and uses this data to send the email to the one customer. Validations: shopper must be in active state; communication must be in live status. Override will bypass shopper opt-in flag. |
SendCommunicationToShoppers | Accepts multiple retailer shopperIDs and one email communication ID and uses these to send the email to the multiple customers at the same time. Validations: shoppers must be in active state; communication must be in live status. Override will bypass shopper opt-in flag. |
ShopperSignIn | Returns the shopper object data based on the correct shopper username/password. |
UnEnrollShopper Method | Unenrolls the loyalty member and deactivates the customer. As a result, the customer is no longer active in the TIBCO Reward system and will no longer accrue any benefits from the program. |
UpdateCustomAttribute Method | Sets the value of a custom attribute for an associated entity. In most cases, this will be for a customer unless directed otherwise by Account Management. |
UpdateCustomAttributes | Sets the value of multiple custom attributes for multiple entities. This will be for customers or products unless directed otherwise by Account Management. |
UpdateCustomEntity | Updates custom entity field data. |
UpdateCustomQuestionForShopper | Updates the answers for a given set of custom questions for a given customer. |
UpdateRewardProduct | Updates a reward product and returns the newly updated product. |
UpdateShopper | Updates the customer's information. You need to pass the entire entity with the information you want to update. |
UpdateShopperOfferStatus | Accept Offer for a customer. Use this API to clip an offer for a given customer. Pass the "true" value in the status parameter, and the offer will be clipped. |
UpdateShopperPointsBalanceWithCustomAttributes | Update Shopper’s Point balance with Custom Attributes. |
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