Creating a File Report

The File Import report provides status updates and other useful information about the results of batch imports or list file uploads. It also provides access to details about each import file. Use the CRMS to set up and generate this report, as follows:


  1. Click Reports > Specialized > Spwcialized > File Import Report.
  2. Click File Import Report link.
    The File Import Report opens.
  3. Use the controls at the top of the report to set up this report.
    If the time period specified by default is not the time period that you want the report to cover, select a new date range or period immediately. Do not wait for the default report to compile if it is not what you want to see. To select a time frame for the report, choose from the drop-down list of standard options, or customize the time frame by specifying a range of dates. If you change the time frame, click the button labeled View Report to be sure that the report is regenerated.
  4. Navigate through the report by using the arrow controls. You can also find data by searching for strings that occur in the report: use the data entry box in front of the Find control.

What to do next

To create another copy of the report with a different format, select a formatting option from the Select a Format drop-down box, then click Export.

Click the printer icon to initiate the printing of the current report.