On Demand File Exchange
This chapter provides information and specifications required to perform different types of on-demand data exchanges.
- List Import
- List Export
- Profile Export
- Email Statistics Export
- Reward Catalog Import
- Custom Questions Import
From TIBCO Reward’s Customer Relationship Management Suite (CRMS), you can import or export the following files:
- List Import – The List import file enables clients to import lists of customers in a self service fashion from their desktop, using the CRMS system. Once imported, lists can be used for additional segmentation and targeting.
- List Export – List export allows clients to export the list of customers in a list at any time from the CRMS.
- Profile Export – Profile export enables clients to export a profile of customers at any time from the CRMS.
- Email Statistics Export – Clients can export up-to-date email data for any email communication using the CRMS. Data includes all customers who were sent the email with email status.
- Catalog Import – Clients can import the current selection of products for the rewards catalog at any time using the CRMS.
Each of these files is described in more detail below.
While these files are formatted as batch files, they are not imported or exported according to a regular schedule. These file transfers are available to clients “on demand.” A client identifies and/or defines the data collection in one of these files, and uses the CRMS to set up the transfer of the file.
For example, a client may decide to import into TIBCO Reward a list of shoppers who have opted in to receive email. The client prepares this list of data in an appropriate file format and imports the file to TIBCO Reward using List import. Thereafter, the list data is available in CRMS, where the client can use and manipulate the data in many ways. This List Import file is an example of an On Demand file exchange.
You should already be familiar with the general purpose of on-demand file transfers. For a basic introduction to the subject and its context, refer to section Data Exchange Methods, and specifically the subheading about on-demand file transfers.
All exports are delivered to the FromInstorecard directory described in Appendix B, Setting Up FTP File Directories. Refer to this section to learn more about setting up the SFTP file transfer location and retrieving files from this location.
All on-demand imports and exports allow you to work with files from your desktop. That is, you can specify files to be uploaded from your computer, and you can access the files that are downloaded, assuming that your computer has appropriate access to the network resources.
Note also that many reports are available through the CRMS. Though not classified as exports, these reports include significant data.
Note that on demand downloads are not intended to handle "dumps", (that is, downloads comprising a client's complete collection of customer records). If you believe you may have processing requirements exceeding these limits, contact your TIBCO Reward Account Management representative ahead of time.