Downloading a Secure Client Application like WebDrive

TIBCO Reward currently recommends WebDrive ( as a secure FTP client application. The following procedure assumes that you do not already have WebDrive installed. If you already have WebDrive installed, skip the Download WebDrive process. Download WebDrive.


  1. Go to the WebDrive download site:
  2. Download the appropriate version: Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, or Mac OS X.
    The executable (exe) file installer warning dialog box appears.
  3. Click Save File.
  4. Double-click executable file to begin the install.
  5. Enter yes when queried "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?"
    The WebDrive InstallShield Wizard appears.
  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. If you accept the terms in the license agreement, click I accept…
  8. Select your destination folder and click Next.
  9. Click Install to begin the installation.
    The Installing WebDrive dialog box shows progress, and is replaced at the finish of the processing by the final dialog box.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. Check your programs for the WebDrive application (webdrive.exe). TIBCO Reward recommends that you create a shortcut to the WebDrive application (webdrive.exe) so you can start it easily.

What to do next

Next, use WebDrive to set up either an SFTP client or an FTPS client. If you are not sure which to use, see Platform-Specific Constraints.