File Format

Field# Field Description Type Notes
1 FileId Integer TIBCO Reward internal file identifier
2 RegistrationDate DateTime If the customer has signed up on the client’s microsite, this value will be the date the customer completed signup. Otherwise, this value will be equivalent to the CreationDate. This is also known as “Member Since Date.”
3 CreationDate DateTime If the client provided a historical transaction feed, this value will be the date of the first transaction appearing for the customer.
4 ShopperStatus String “A” – Active; “I” – Inactive ; When a customer opts out of the loyalty program, this value will be “I”. Otherwise, the value will be “A”.
5 LoyaltyMember Bit “1” – Member; “0” – Non-member;
6 SourceOfChange [Note: Deprecated field!] String “Retailer”, “Shopper”, “CSR”, or “Other” Note: This field is deprecated. Although the field may still exist, the data values are not used.
7 ShopperId String Client’s identifier for this customer
8 InStorecardShopperID Integer TIBCO Reward’s unique identifier for a customer.
9 FirstName String
10 MiddleName String
11 LastName String
12 AddressLine1 String
13 AddressLine2 String
14 City String
15 State String
16 PostalCode String
17 Email String Email address.
18 EmailOptIn/Bulk email Bit EmailOptIn=“1” maps to a value of “OptedIn” in the CustomerPrivacy XML element. If the customer has opted out of receiving marketing emails, this value will be “0”.
19 PhoneNumber String
20 LoyaltyCardNumber String If a client assigns a loyalty program card ID/number, it can be recorded here.
21 TierName String If a client uses tiers, then tier data appears, otherwise no data appears.
22 TierJoinDate DateTime If client uses tiers, then tier data appears, otherwise no data appears.
23 StatusUpdateDateTime DateTime Customer record update timestamp
24 PointBalance Integer Customer's current point balance, as of time of report.

A sample record file:

1229,2006-12-29 12:45:41.693,2006-12-29 12:45:41.693,"A",0,"Other","452566743 ",49602261, "John","","Brown","200 Main Street",,"San Francisco","CA","94114","",1,"415-555-5555","1113456","Gold Member",2006-12-29 12:45:41.693, 2006-12-29 12:45:41.693,1300