Creating Topic-Based Report Views

Using a topic as your source generates an empty view, in which you can begin adding data right away, without choosing, prefiltering, or changing display names of the data (all of which are required steps when creating a domain-based view).


  1. Launch Report Editor by selecting Create > Ad Hoc View on the top toolbar or by clicking Create in the Ad Hoc Views box.
    The Data Chooser is displayed.
  2. In the Data Chooser, select the Topics tab at the top of the dialog.
    A list of topics is displayed.
  3. Expand the desired topics folder and drill down as needed.
  4. Select one of the available topics.
  5. Select the view type by clicking one of the boxes at the bottom of the screen -- Table, Chart, Crosstab -- or Cancel.
    This opens the Report view.
  6. Set the fields on which to filter in the report, by double-clicking or dragging and dropping the fields into the New Report View pane. The report reflects your filtering fields.
  7. To save the View:
    1. Click the floppy disk at the top of the Report View page. This opens the Save As dialog.
    2. Expand the folders and drill down to the location where you want to save the view.
    3. Click Save.
    You can now begin working on your topic-based view in the Report Editor.