Offer Status and Offer Attribute Properties

Note: None of the Offer Entity attribute data are calculated data. This data is read-only. When updating a shopper's offer status, you should first request the OfferStatus values and then pass them back updated.
Offer Status and Attribute Properties - XML Data
Property Name Description Type Length Nulls Allowed Sample Data Default Data Notes
IsClipped Flag indicating whether the offer is clipped or not. Bit 1 No 1 0 Is the offer clipped for the shopper? If the offer is a "clipped offer", and if the shopper qualifies for the offer, then the benefits of this offer are applied to the shopper.
LastUpdate Date and time of last offer update. DateTime 8 No



Last date time of offer score. When was the offerstatus last updated for this shopper.
OfferScore Relevancy score applied to shopper-LL internal use only. int 4 No 0 0 For use by TIBCO Reward only.
Offer Meta-description of the offer Offer (see offer ID) NA No NA NA See next table for composite object.
OfferId Offer ID number assigned in CRMS. int 4 bytes No 3703 0 Unique offer ID.
RetailerGUID Client-retailer 's unique identifier. GUID 16 bytes No <GUID> None Globally unique identifier used by a TIBCO Reward client.
OfferName Name of offer as assigned in CRMS. nvarchar 200 No Sample offer Empty string
RecordType Letter code referring to the type of the offer. char 1 No F Empty string The type of Offer. For example, O refers to Offer.
QualifyingTypeId Numeric code that refers to the type of qualification for the offer. int 4 No 7 0 (zero) The type of qualification for the Offer, where each type is represented by a number code.
AwardTypeId Numeric code that refers to the award type for the offer, e.g., Points, Bonus. int 4 No 5 1 The type of award associated with the Offer, where each type is represented by a number code.
Status The current status of the offer. char 1 No L Empty string L (Live)
StartDateTime Start date for the offer. datetime 8 Yes




Null Start date for the offer
EndDateTime End date for the offer. datetime 8 Yes




Null End date for the offer
QualifyStartDateTime The starting date from when one can qualify the Offer. datetime 8 Yes 2012-05-31T00:00:00.0000000+02:00 Null The date when a shopper can start qualifying for this offer.
QualifyEndDateTime The date, after which a shopper can no longer qualify for this offer. datetime 8 Yes



Null The date, after which a shopper can no longer qualify for this offer.
ActualStartDateTime The date when the Offer actually started. datetime 8 Yes




Current date time when offer is first awarded. Actual date offer was made live.
ActualEndDateTime The date when the Offer actually ended. datetime 8 Yes




Null Actual date the offer was ended.
ClipLimit Not used. int 4 No 1 0 Not used.
Headline The headline for the offer. nvarchar 200 Yes Introducing a New Offer Null The headline for the offer: pulled from data entered in CRMS.
OfferText The actual text of the offer. nvarchar 1000 Yes Double Points on first purchase of Product X Null The actual text of the offer: pulled from Offer Description text entered in CRMS.
Terms The terms of the offer. nvarchar 4000 Yes Offer valid while supplies last Null The terms of the offer: pulled from Offer Terms and Conditions text entered in CRMS.
ImageUrl The URL for the image for the offer. varchar 500 Yes <URL> Null The URL for the image for the offer: pulled from data entered in CRMS.
MediaUrl Reserved for future use. The media URL for the offer. varchar 500 Yes <URL> Null not used.
BuyUrl The buy URL for the offer. varchar 500 Yes <URL> Null The buy URL for the offer: pulled from Offer data entered in CRMS, specifically, the Offer description field labeled, 'Online Product Page URL to "Buy Now":'
InfoUrl Reserved for future use. The information URL for the offer. varchar 500 Yes <URL> Null Reserved for future use.
IsAutoClip Used to indicate if the offer is auto clip, viewed or clipped. Also specifies user acceptance behavior. int 4 No 0 Null Used to indicate if the offer is auto clip, viewed or clipped:
  • AcceptOffer = 0 //Shopper must accept the offer *
  • ViewOffer = 1 //Shopper must view the offer*
  • AutoQualifyOffer = 2 // no action required by Shopper

Shopper must accept or view the offer in the offer showcase.

ShopperRedemptionLimit The redemption limit per shopper for the offer. int 4 No 1 1 The redemption limit per shopper for the offer. This is set in the CRMS.
TargetRedemption Limit Not supported. int 4 No NA NA Not supported.
EmailNotificationThreshold Not supported. int 4 No NA NA Not supported.
FlashTemplateStyleId Code referring to a graphic template. int 4 No 1 Empty string Code referring to a graphic template.
UpdateDateTime The last update time for the offer. datetime 8 No




UpdateDateTime The last update time for the offer.
CreatedByUserId The user id of the user who created the offer. int 4 No NA (assigned by system) User Id - used internally for TIBCO Reward auditing.
LastModifiedByUserId The user id of the user who last updated the offer. For use by TIBCO Reward. int 4 No NA (assigned by system) User Id - used internally for TIBCO Reward auditing.
IsAlwaysAwarded Reserved for future use. bit No 1 0