Implementation and Data Integration
Your company, as a TIBCO Reward Client, uses our code base, infrastructure, and expert services to set up and maintain a customer loyalty system. TIBCO Reward imports data that you already have available. We store your data in our normalized and highly scalable databases, and then enable you to use your data in new ways, using our suite of on-demand applications, which you access via a standard web browser. This greatly reduces the impact of our technology on your existing IT department.
TIBCO Reward manages the data integration process, and our experts work with your technical staff to define any necessary data file format transformations. Data is transferred via batch files and real-time API processes. Once the integration set-up work is completed, your technical staff is responsible only for routine batch file data transfers (for example, automatically generating and forwarding report files).
When the basic file transfer mechanisms are in place, your data is normalized, matched, transformed, and processed to help you with marketing segmentation, targeting, reporting, and analysis. As you get familiarized with the TIBCO Rewardsystem, you can choose to use more features and applications as your organization’s marketing needs mature.
At the same time, our consultants and creative staff help you design your customer loyalty site, the "customer portal." This is an account management microsite, which provides optional support for offers, clubs, and collection of customer preferences.
For more information about TIBCO Reward’s features and benefits, see our website,
All data in the system is regularly updated, and includes data volunteered by site visitors and the information tracked by the system across all channels. Profiles are updated daily and applied across the platform to revise offers, communications, messages, notifications, and results. The solution provides a wide set of flexible reports and analyses that enable you to evaluate performance, learn from the results, and modify activities accordingly.