Viewing the Summary

The Summary step provides an at-a-glance review of the specifics of the offer you created. It also summarizes the progress on the development and usage of the offer.


See Finalizing the Display.


  1. After you have completed the preceding offer creation steps, the Offer Status is Saved.
  2. Click Submit for Approval.

What to do next

A successful offer progresses through the following changes in its status:
The offer record has been saved, but work on the offer has not been completed.
The offer has been submitted for approval.
The offer has been approved, and is scheduled to go "live".
The approved offer is now live. Customers are currently allowed to qualify for this offer. TIBCO Engage automatically ends the offer and changes its status to "completed" at the end of the Offer Qualify end date.
The offer is no longer live, and the record is maintained for reference and potential cloning. The time period in which customers were allowed to qualify for this offer has ended.
The offer has been denied. If you have administrator privileges, you can modify the offer and resubmit it.
Note: If you have administrator permissions, you can update the status of the offer from the summary page, as well as from the list of offers.