Project Task Descriptions

The data integration tasks for which you, as a client, are primarily responsible are listed and explained below. These tasks correspond loosely to the Data Integration tasks in the Project Plan listed above. Some of the tasks listed in the following table are subordinate to the tasks in the standard project plan and include more details.
Data Integration Task Descriptions
Task Actions
TIBCO Reward Client
Allocate a technical point of contact in the client organization to receive technical integration information. Provide the client with the contact information for TIBCO Reward’s Technical Integration Lead and a back- up contact. Provide TIBCO Reward the name, email address, phone number, and time of availability of the technical point of contact who will receive technical integration documents and sample data.
Confirm that technical contact has access to the TIBCO Reward “Client Extranet." Provide links and passwords to client technical contact, as necessary. Confirm access. Resolve any access problems, as necessary.
Send Data Mapping document templates and file samples. TIBCO Reward Account Management representative sends data mapping documents and sample files (and related links) for the baseline data integration. The set of documents sent to the client corresponds to the client’s needs, as documented by their responses to the Onboarding Questionnaire. Client receives all appropriate data mapping templates, sample files, and related documentation (including this Integration Guide). Client initiates data file mapping project.
Set up a secure FTP connection.
  • Configure secure file transfer protocol to allow access to ToInStorecard and FromInStorecard directories for the client.
  • Deliver SFTP or FTPS username and password to client in a secure manner: by secure email, phone, personal meeting.
  • Download secure client software, as necessary.
  • Complete SFTP or FTPS setup and log in.
  • Attempt to upload a file to ToInStorecard directory. Attempt to download a file from FromInStorecard directory.
  • Communicate attempts and results to TIBCO Reward.

Client provides completed data mapping documents and sample files for transaction, product and retail stores data.

  • This step is repeated as necessary (round 1, round 2, etc.).
  • TIBCO Reward’s native file format is XML, but flat files are accepted.
  • Sample files must not contain valid credit card numbers.
Verify that completed data mapping documents and sample files have arrived, are readable. Help the client make corrections.
  • Transfer completed data mapping documents and sample files to TIBCO Reward over secure transfer (or email, if secure path is not yet set up).
  • Provide a point of contact to answer questions and make corrections relating to the file formats.
TIBCO Reward provides client with sample reward and sample customer files. Test file transfer process. Provide files for export to client. Test file transfer process. Test ability to consume export data. Provide technical assistance.
TIBCO Reward provides client with sample reward and sample customer files. Test file transfer process. Provide files for export to client. Test file transfer process. Test ability to consume export data. Provide technical assistance.

TIBCO Reward reviews files, ensures that transaction, product and retail store file formats have required fields.

  • Transaction data should include customer (shopper) data.
  • This step is repeated as necessary (round 1, round 2, etc.).
Check the documentation and sample files to ensure that all of TIBCO Reward’s required fields exist and that the file format is understood.
  • Provide technical assistance.
  • Ensure that TIBCO Reward file format and transfer requirements are understood by technical associates at client. (For example: “If the file format ever changes, the changes must be communicated to TIBCO Reward.”)
Client signs off on final data mapping document. TIBCO Reward’s QA department develops a test plan based on the approved data mapping document. Client approves (via email) a final data mapping document that identifies the final formats to be used in production.
TIBCO Reward creates a process to import the client’s transaction, product and retail store data into the client’s account. Create import process for client-specific file formats if the data is not in TIBCO Reward native format. Provide technical assistance. Set up plan to notify TIBCO Reward and implement changes if a local (client-specific) file format changes.
In some cases, set up for transfer of historical transaction data file. More rarely, set up for transfer of email address update file. Provide technical assistance. Provide technical assistance.
Client creates a process to export transaction, product and retail store data to the ToInStorecard directory. Provide technical assistance.
  • Ensure successful secure transfer capability.
  • Automate uploading/downloading to/from SFTP directories.
  • Automate export of three files: transaction, product, and retail store data.
Client creates a process to accept/consume the customer file and rewards file from the FromInStorecard directory. Provide technical assistance. Provide technical assistance.
TIBCO Reward tests and validates import process. Test import process and validate data. Provide technical assistance.
Test regular end-to-end import process. This requires a period of live file transmissions from the client to ensure that systems on all sides are working correctly. Turn on automated import process. Turn on automated file delivery process. Provide technical assistance during test period.
Establish file monitoring process (to ensure timely file processing and catch errors). Data Integration Team monitors the status of all incoming and outbound files. Establish an email contact (ideally an alias for several people in the client organization) for any data integration/monitoring issues.
Turn on production import process. Turn on production processes. Turn on production processes.