Add a Friend to Your Social Network

The client has a presence on a social network, and they would like to track and reward customers who have sent a message referencing the client or its products to at least five friends. The client defines an event as Customer SendsPromoEMail to Friend. With appropriate setup, their system generates an event record every time a customer sends an email (which somehow promotes the client) through the social networking site to a friend. The object is a friend, who may be represented by an email address or other ID.

The goal is to track customers who generate name recognition for the client through the social network.

The master value may or may not be applicable. The event may or may not have a reversal.

Clients can feed the data to TIBCO Reward via API or batch. In batch files, the client needs to provide the following data for each instance:

  • Event reference tag
  • Event ID – Optional: Client can provide a unique identifier for the event. If the client does not provide this, TIBCO Reward will automatically assign its own unique event ID for internal processing purposes.
  • Subject - Customer ID (email or other standard customer ID of the subject, as specified during on-boarding)
  • Date of event
  • Object - Use standard customer ID if the object is a person; use SKU if the object is an product or reward.See also the note on Record Validation based on event subject.

The client will be able to target on the number of event occurrences in a given time frame.