Transaction and Customer Import File
The goal of this section is to explain the purpose of the Transaction and Customer Import file and its data elements, and to describe the characteristics and requirements of each Transaction file data field so that this data can be transferred from your Company to TIBCO Reward and processed correctly.
In addition to providing transaction data, clients use this file to provide fundamental customer data.
General Description
The Transaction and Customer Import file (sometimes called the Transaction file for short) is used to provide data about a client’s transactions. Most clients provide this file daily. The Transaction file includes data about the client’s customers (shoppers), the item (product or SKU), and the store or location associated with the transaction, as well as the quantities, amounts, and payment tendered.
Transaction files provide the most important data imported into a TIBCO Reward solution. Transaction file data is often used to award points to customers and to target customers based on their past purchases. Clients use Transaction files to create customer (shopper) data and to update this data. All analyses based on purchases and purchase-behavior use Transaction file data.
TIBCO Reward accepts Transaction data from all of a client’s sales channels (store, e-commerce, and catalog sales). TIBCO Reward can accommodate different channels are in different formats during the data import and transformation process.
During the integration process and prior to launch, most clients also provide the previous two years of historical transaction data, which can be used as a baseline to create customer histories and profiles.
Ultimately, TIBCO Reward must process the transaction data in the form of a TIBCO Reward ISCLog file, which is an XML file that follows the XML schema definition in the ISCLog.xsd file. (This is explained in more detail in the Standard XML Sample File and XSD Schema section.) As necessary, and by contractual agreement, TIBCO Reward can transform a client’s Transaction file from that client’s native file format into the required XML format.
Use this file to import customer Data
Clients also use the transaction file to provide customer data to TIBCO Reward. To use this file to send customer data only, send the portion of this file that conveys customer data. In addition to the XML header, you must include the following standard transaction file data to satisfy processing requirements:
The use of this file to add, change, and delete customer data is addressed in detail in the Customer Data section.
Initial Integration Notes
After a client has completed the Onboarding Questionnaire and when a client is ready to start the initial data integration process, the TIBCO Reward Account Management team asks the client to prepare a sample Transaction file. To help you prepare this sample file, TIBCO Reward provides tables and templates that provide guidance in developing the Transaction file. You use these tables and templates to record information about batch file formats you will use, and to document other agreements with TIBCO Reward about Transaction batch file processing.
These tables and templates are particularly crucial when file transformations are necessary. If you need copies of these templates or information about them, contact your Account Management representative. During the initial data integration process and any subsequent integration efforts that involve the Transaction file, TIBCO Reward and its clients use these documents to record the currently agreed-upon requirements for successful batch file transformation and processing.