Customer Lists Page

Use the Target > Customer Lists page to create and work with lists. The Target > Customer Lists page provides a table including all currently defined target lists in CRMS.

You can create a new list using one of the following methods:

  • List From File Import : create a list by importing into CRMS a customer list file (For example, a list produced by a third party) so that it can be used and managed as an existing CRMS list.
  • List From Profile : create a list by applying a profile to a customer population to generate a new list. This list includes the customers whose data matched the profile definition.

Each row in the customer lists table represents a target list, and displays a few key fields of data about that list. These fields are lined up in columns. Click a column heading to sort all of the lists in the table by that field.

The following list data fields are displayed:

ID (the unique list ID number)
CRMS assigns a unique ID number to every list. If two or more list names (which are defined by CRMS users) are similar or identical, this number is the unique identifier.
The name of the list as defined in CRMS. This is set up as a hyperlink to the list properties data: the list's Name, Source, and Description fields. Click the list name to open the list properties data, either to see or edit its details.
Any additional information about this list that might help you distinguish it from others, or recall its purpose, at a later date. Store notes about who created it, its purpose, the profiles or sources and how they were used, its unique content, and so on.
The status of each list can be either Ready, In Progress, or Failed. Only lists whose status is Ready are currently available to use. The In Progress indicator should be displayed only for the period when a list is being processed. A list marked as Failed represents a failed attempt at creating a list. Failed lists should be deleted.
The total number of customer records in the list.
The date when the list was originally assigned an ID. This date may be different from the date when the customer data was last updated.

The following functions are supported:

  • Edit : you can edit the list.
  • Export : you can generate a comma separated value (CSV) file containing the existing Reward customer data for the customers included in the list. The Export function delivers this file to the FTP location that your company uses to exchange files with Reward. The default name of the file is "ListExport"_<List Name>_<your CRMS user name> _<date when list file was generated/exported>.
  • Delete - you can delete the associated list.