Shopper Entity Attributes and Properties
Also known as the Customer Entity Attributes. The term "shopper" is equivalent to "customer" throughout.
Property Name | Description | Type | Length | Nulls Allowed | Sample Data | Default Data | Notes |
ShopperID | TIBCO Reward’s generated unique identifier for customer. | Int | 4 bytes | No | 123459876 | None | Used in many API calls. |
RetailerGUID | Unique identifier for the Client/Retailer. | 16 bytes | No | None | On submit, set to microsite's retailer guid (globally unique identifier). Note: This should NOT be exposed in the API. | ||
EmailAddress | Customer's email address. | nvarchar | 200 | No | | None |
Valid email addresses follow this format: <alphanumeric>@<alphanumeric>.< alpha> Note: The API does not perform any data validation. |
EmailFrequency | Not Used | int | No | 7 | 7 | Required: Pass in 7 for standard frequency. | |
EmailFrequencyUnit | Not Used | char | 1 | No | D | D | Required: Pass in D for standard frequency. |
EmailFormat | The type of email to send out: TEXT or HTML. | nvarchar | 200 | No | HTML | HTML | Pass in HTML for standard emails. |
Password | Password | nvarchar | 200 | No | 123456789asdfghj | Empty String | This data is only updated if shopper information updates are enabled and AddressLine1 is provided. Stored as a one-way hashed value. |
Status | Customer Status
On submit, set to 'A' |
char | 1 | No | A | no default | Should be correct for use with address. A indicates Active and enrolled, meaning the customer is a loyalty member and active. |
LastName | Required | nvarchar | 200 | No | Doe | Empty String | |
MiddleInitial | Not Required | nvarchar | 200 | Yes | B | ||
FirstName | Required | nvarchar | 200 | No | John | Empty String | |
Address1 | Not Required | nvarchar | 200 | No | 412 Sixty-first Street | Empty String | |
Address2 | Not required. Second line of address detail. | nvarchar | 200 | No | Apt 666 | Empty String | |
City | Shopper's City | nvarchar | 200 | No | Oakland | Empty String | Should be correct for use with address. |
State | Shopper’s State | String | 2 | CA | Empty String | Should be correct for use with address. | |
Zip | Shopper's ZIP code | nvarchar | 200 | No | 94609 | Empty String | Required for location-based targeting. |
PhoneNumber | Shopper’s given phone number, including area code | nvarchar | 200 | Yes | 510-555-1233 | Empty String | Shopper phone number. Not used for shopper ID. |
MobilePhoneEmail | Shopper’s given phone number, including area code | nvarchar | 200 | Yes | 510-555-2142 | Empty String | Not currently used. API can set value. |
ProfileCreateDateTime | Date when profile was originally created for customer. | datetime | Yes |
2012-06- 26T00:00:00.0000000+ 02:00 |
On submit, set to NULL. | ||
ProfileDateUpdateTime | Date when profile was last updated for the customer | datetime | Yes |
2012-06- 26T00:00:00.0000000+ 02:00 |
On submit, set to current date time. | ||
CreateDateTime | datetime | No |
2012-06-26T00:00:00.0000000+ 02:00 |
Null | On submit, set to current date/time. | ||
LoyaltyCreateDataTime | datetime | Yes |
2012-06- 26T00:00:00.0000000+ 02:00 |
None | On submit, set to current date/time. | ||
StatusUpdateDateTime | datetime | Yes |
2012-06- 26T00:00:00.0000000+ 02:00 |
None | On submit, set to current date/time. | ||
PasswordLastChanged | datetime | No | null | None | On submit, set to NULL. | ||
Origin | On submit, set to 'W' Not used | char | 1 | No | None | Can be used to indicate where customer came from. Historically has been used inconsistently. | |
RetailerShopperId | ID assigned to customer by client | nvarchar | 200 | Yes | 123456789012 | None | Use the unique identifier you use within your own system. |
FileImportId | int | No | 0 | 0 (zero) | Used for bulk imports. | ||
BulkEmail | This is the commercial email opt- in flag. 1 = opted in (true/yes), 0 = NOT opted in | int | No | 1 | 0 (zero) | In CRMS CSR, this is the Email opt in. Note: export email functionality filters on 1 (opted-in = true). | |
BulkEmailSource | Not used | char | 1 | Yes | 0 | null | |
BulkEmailSourceDescription | Not used | nvarchar | 510 | Yes | null | ||
LoyaltyMember | Flag indicating if this customer is a loyalty program member | bit | No | 1 | 0 |
This field determines LoyaltyMembership. Set to 1 when using CreateShopper;; Set to 0 when using CreateUnregisteredShopper. To enroll an existing unregisrered shopper, set this to 1 using the UpdateShopper APi, then use the AddShopperToProgram API. |
RetailerRegistered | Not used | bit | No | 0 | |||
MailOptIn | Not used | bit | No | 0 | Not used. | ||
PhoneOptIn | Not used | bit | No | 0 | |||
SourceReference | Not used | nvarchar | 60 | Yes | 0 | ||
RetailerShopperCreationDate | Creation date from Client | datetime | No |
2012-05- 31T00:00:00.0000000+ 02:00 |
Current Time | If no retailer data, set to current time. | |
PersonStatus | For TIBCO Reward internal use | char | 1 | No | P | Empty String | P for person. |