Configuration Files

As an Administrator, you can view and download the TIBCO MDM configuration files. In addition, you can also upload new configuration files. To view, download, or upload configuration files, navigate to Tools > Configuration Viewer.

The following table explains the contents of the directories that contain configuration files:
Directory Name Description
common Includes all standard configurations files for workflow and data validation as well as all customizations, for example, maps, rulebases, workflows, templates, and forms. This directory also holds all files generated during normal application processing. It is shared by all application servers in the cluster.
Warning: Do not modify any files available in the common/standard directory. If a modification is unavoidable, maintain the modified file in the enterprise-specific directory.
config Contains the configuration files related to cache configuration, cluster configuration, and the Configurator.
  • ConfigValues.xml: The properties and values defined in this file are reflected in the Configurator.
    Note: Use the Configurator to change the value of a configuration property.
  • CacheConfig.xml: In this file, you can configure cache the Trial and Development environments.
    Note: In the Production and Test environments, the default CacheConfig.xml file is updated to the CacheConfig.large.xml file.
  • CacheConfig.large.xml: Configure a large number of repositories or large data.
custom Contains the files required for the custom resource bundle. For example, the file.
schema Contains the schema files of web services. To download the file, navigate to common/standard/samples/
You can view or download only the following directories or files:
  • log
  • common
  • config
  • config.war
  • schema
  • custom
Note: Apart from the directories or files available for download, if you try to access any other directory or file, the File path/filename access denied error is displayed.