Searching Records Based on Key Words (Free Form Search)


  1. Click Browse and Search. The Browse and Search screen is displayed.
  2. Click the Text Search link. The Text Search screen is displayed.

  3. In the Search For field, enter the terms you want to search for. The search utility searches for an exact match of the term. Special characters, except ampersand (&) are not allowed.
  4. In the Search In drop-down list, select either a single or join entity name. A list of configured single and join entities is displayed.
    Note: To display a list of single or join entities in the Search In field, specify the index entities in the IndexerConfig.xml file.
  5. To display the search results while typing, select the Display Results As You Type check box.
  6. To change the value of the similarity score, move the Similarity Score slider. The default and maximum similarity score is 1.0.
  7. Click Search. The specified search results are displayed.

    You can expand or collapse the record hierarchy.

  8. To display all the records which match the specified criteria in the case of join entity, click Show Matches. All records qualifying the match criteria are displayed.