TIBCO MDM Startup Troubleshooting

After installation, a successful startup of the TIBCO MDM involves deploying EJB, establishing web context and configuring the application. Configuration includes creation of EMS topics and queues, reading configuration and so on.

If there is any error in configuration, the TIBCO MDM does not work correctly.

After completing the installation procedure, the Administrator needs to restart the servers before logging in to the application. If everything has installed and initialized successfully, you should see theTIBCO MDM login page.

TIBCO MDM Startup Troubleshooting
Issue Description Solution
Startup problems If the normal login page is not displayed and instead you see a message Application is not available, please contact system administrator, it implies that TIBCO MDM startup has failed. This could be due to several reasons, but the most likely are:
  • The EMS server did not start up or the connection URL was not provided correctly.
  • All queues did not get created.
  • The configuration file ConfigValues.xml file has syntax errors and/or the file is missing.
  • Values such like JNDI port are not correct.
  • Use the following link to check the reason for failure.
  • Refer to the Log file - $MQ_HOME/log/elink.log - for more detailed information


  • TIBCO MDM startup failures do not affect the Application server or other applications installed on same container
  • All initialization failure cases are handled except database related failures.
  • If your database is not connected or if the data source configuration has not been done properly, such errors are not handled or detected. In such cases, TIBCO MDM will not be available, but if database and data source are not configured properly the page http://machine:port/eml/Startup may be available.
Startup failure due to insufficient memory TIBCO MDM server fails to start and the following error message is displayed:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
Modify JAVA_OPTS to set MaxMetaspaceSize to 512m.
Startup failure due to missing node ID If NODE_ID is not specified as a JVM argument, the application does not start up. The NODE_ID should be set at the OS level, otherwise you cannot use any utilities provided by TIBCO MDM, which are located in $MQ_HOME/bin.
Startup failure If TIBCO MDM is deployed on JBoss WildFly Application Server, the TIBCO MDM server fails to start and the following error message is displayed:
JAV-8001: Unexpected error. Class: 'com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.message.MqNativeMessageListener' and method name: 'onMessage'. Additional information: javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: EJBCLIENT000079: Unable to discover destination for request for EJB StatelessEJBLocator for "ECM/DomainSsnDeploy/DomainSsn", view is interface com.tibco.mdm.session.infrastructure.domain.DomainSsnHome, affinity is None.
CLASSNAME: com.tibco.mdm.integration.messaging.message.MqNativeMessageListener

Increase the value for com.tibco.mdm.infrastructure.globalobj.ThreadInterval to 100 or more.