Performing Postinstallation Tasks for Simple Installation

For the first time installation, the MDM server, netrics server, and Configurator automatically starts. You need to complete the postinstallation tasks for the second time installation of TIBCO MDM.

After installation, the $MQ_HOME contains most of the required softwares.
Folder Component
$MQ_HOME/bin/as ActiveSpaces Cache Server
$MQ_HOME/bin/wildfly-version.Final JBoss WildFly Application Server
$MQ_HOME/bin/pgsql PostgreSQL Database Engine
$TIBCO_HOME/tps TIBCO Patterns Server
The following table lists the ports available after installation:
Port Number Component
8080 HTTP JBoss WildFly Application Start Server Port
8009 HTTP JBoss WildFly Application Stop Server Port
6080 Configurator HTTP Port
5051 TIBCO Patterns Server Standard Port
5432 PostgreSQL Database Standard Port
8817 ActiveSpaces Cache Server Default Port


  1. Start TIBCO MDM Server: Ensure that$JAVA_HOME is set.
    1. Select the Start MDM Server option from the Programs menu or run StartMDMServer.bat(.sh). The file is located at $MQ_HOME/bin/wildfly-version.Final/bin.

      The TIBCO MDM server starts. Starting the TIBCO MDM server starts the PostgreSQL database instance and netricsServer.

    2. Optional: If you want to stop the TIBCO MDM server, select the Stop MDM Server option from the Programs menu or run StopMDMServer.bat(.sh). The file is located at $MQ_HOME/bin/wildfly-version.Final/bin.

      The TIBCO MDM server stops. Stopping the TIBCO MDM server stops the PostgreSQL database instance and netricsServer.

  2. Start TIBCO MDM: Type http://localhost:8080/eml/Login in the browser. For more information on accessing TIBCO MDM, see "Introduction to TIBCO MDM" chapter of the TIBCO MDM User's Guide.
  3. Optional: Start and Stop PostgreSQL Server
    1. To start PostgreSQL, run pg_start.bat or
    2. To stop PostgreSQL, run pg_stop.bat or
      The files are located at $MQ_HOME/db/postgreSQL/install.
  4. Optional: Start and Stop TIBCO Patterns Server
    1. To start the Patterns Server, run netricsServer.bat -startService or -startService.
    2. To stop the Patterns Server, run netricsServer.bat -stopServer or -stopServer.
      The files are located at $MQ_HOME/bin.
      For more information, see TIBCO MDM System Administration.
  5. Optional: Start and Stop Configurator

    If you want to change default configuration, you can start the configurator. Ensure that the $JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and it points to the valid JDKversion installation path.

    1. Use the Start Server option or run startup.bat/.sh to start the Configurator.
    2. Use the Shutdown Server option or run shutdown.bat/.sh to stop the Configurator.
      The startup.bat/.sh and shutdown.bat/.sh files are located at $MQ_HOME/configurator/tomcat/bin.
    3. Use the Launch option or double-click $MQ_HOME/configurator/launch.html to start Configurator.
    4. To log into Configurator, type admin as user name and password credentials.