Big Data Import Errors

Big Data Import Errors
Error Code Error Description Error Resolution
SPARK-20000 Spark Master URL not provided.
  1. Log in to the Configurator.
  2. Search for the Spark Master URL property and specify URL for the Apache Spark master node.
SPARK-20001 HDFS URL not provided.
  1. Log in to the Configurator.
  2. Search for the HDFS URL property and specify URL for HDFS.
SPARK-20002 Spark Import App name not provided.
  1. Log in to the Configurator.
  2. Search for the Spark Import App property and specify the application name to import records through Apache Spark.
SPARK-20003 Spark context not initialized. Check if Apache Spark is running. Check whether Apache Spark cluster is running.
SPARK-20004 Database or cache not initialized on the Spark node. Check the Configuration.
  1. For database, verify that the following properties are set in the Configurator:
    • Database Host Name
    • Database Port Number
    • Database Name
    • Database User Name
    • Database User Password
  2. Check if $MQ_HOME and $MQ_COMMON_DIR are shared across all worker nodes.
  3. Check if cache is configured correctly and all the worker nodes are configured.

SPARK-20005 Fatal error during Spark program. Check the Configuration.
This error is displayed when you initiate big data import in the following conditions:
  • When Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop are down and the TIBCO MDM server is up
  • When Apache Spark is up and Apache Hadoop is down and the TIBCO MDM server is up
  • When Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, and the TIBCO MDM server are up, but the Apache Spark configuration properties are not set in the Configurator
Verify and rectify the configuration. For information about setting up Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop, see TIBCO MDM Installation and Configuration Guide and for information about configuration properties, see TIBCO MDM User's Guide.