Actionable work item
Type of a work item. These work items require some action, such as an approval from you. Open each work item and take an action. These work items cannot be selected for closing.
Type of a system attribute. A record is considered active if it is not deleted. This option displays Yes or No values based on whether or not a record is deleted.
Asynchronous mode
A web service can be executed in the Synchronous or Asynchronous execution mode. In the asynchronous mode, the client invokes a service but does not wait for the completion of the workflow execution.
See also Synchronous mode.
Attributes define the structure of a repository or a synchronization format. Some predefined attributes are already added when you create a repository. System attributes such as Last Modified On, Last Modified By, and so on are also added to maintain version and audit information. You can add custom attributes to create a repository.
Attribute group
Each attribute is assigned to an attribute group. A default group named UNASSIGNED holds all attributes that do not belong to a specific group.
Backend System
The application allows you to specify a backend system for your company. There are two ways to exchange data with a backend system. You can either publish data to the Datapool from where the data gets synchronized with the backend system, or you can deliver the data to the backend system directly via FTP or e-mail.
Business keys
This term refers to the attributes other than PRODUCTID and PRODUCTIDEXT,which identify a record uniquely. The keys are how external systems identify the record. Multi value or Category Specific Attributes cannot be defined as business keys.
Business process
A Business Process models the real world processes to perform various tasks.
The application provides some predefined business processes. The Business Process user interface allows you to customize the workflow definition for routing rules and various process options.
Business processes are organized in Rule domains.
Catalog rule
A catalog rule is an encapsulated piece of business logic that specifies validations, transformations, and access controls for attributes in a record.
Category specific attributes
Supports variations in records within the same repository. The feature enables to create category hierarchies to capture the details of a
record based on its categorization.
Chcekpoint in a workflow
An activity used in a workflow. Saves the process state to database at workflow milestones. Saves the minimal data required for recovery, and in case of failure, workflow execution starts with the next activity.
Circular relationship
Cross-repository relationships can chain repositories. For example, repository Customer can be related to Address which in turn can be related to Bank, and so on. Such a relationship is called a circular relationship.
Classification scheme
Classification schemes allow you to organize records based on their attributes. For example, vendor records can be organized by a country - state - city hierarchy. You can define an unlimited number of classifications, each with unlimited levels of hierarchy.
Classification code
Indicates the unique identification code that defines the category code hierarchy. When a record is created, it is not automatically classified. Use TIBCO MDM Studio to classify a record and define a classification code on the same.
Refers to the company name. Only the super user role can create a company for other users. The role is assigned to tadmin.
This tool allows you to configure various properties. The Configurator client is implemented using TIBCO General Interface (GI).
Values set through the Configurator are stored in MQ_HOME/config/ConfigValues.xml.
This is a configuration file that stores all the values set through the Configurator. This file is located in $MQ_HOME/config/.
ContainedBy relationship
Only relevant during import.
Contains and ContainedBy relationships can be established between records of a repository. These relationships can be used to create a hierarchy of records.
Contains relationship
Only relevant during import.
Contains and ContainedBy relationships can be established between records of a repository. These relationships can be used to create a hierarchy of records.
Copy metadata
Copy metadata allows you to export or import metadata of business objects such as Type and Classificationscheme. Objects that can be exported or imported are Components/Objects, SubComponents/SubObject (implicit of Objects), Repository, BusinessProcess Rules, Synchronization Format, Data sources, Output Map, and Input Map, and so on.
Creation date and time
Refers to the creation date and time of the current version of a record. You can view creation date and time on the System attribute tab, displayed for the Created on system attribute.
Cross-repository relationship
When records that span across repositories are related to each other, they are known to be in a cross-repository relationship. The repository for which relationship is defined as a forward relationship will be treated as the source repository. The repository that establishes a relationship with the source repository becomes the target repository. The cross-repository relationship is identified by the relationship established between the source and the target repository.
Data cleansing
To avoid duplicate records in a repository, it is often necessary to bring the same logical record into a standardized form. Only after this data standardization occurs, you can successfully check for duplicates. This process of standardizing the data is also known as data cleansing.
Data custodian
Type of a business process rule. You can set this business process rule, who has a custody for an attribute or attribute group. If the Data Custodian business process rule is set, a work item is created for the data custodian role and can send for corrections.
Datapool profile
Datapool profiles and credentials are used to establish new Datapools and manage Datapool activities. A Datapool Profile defines an electronic sales channel, datapool, or hub - where backend systems can exchange goods. A Datapool Profile correlates to a workflow associated with the Datapool and you can subscribe to or unsubscribe from a Datapool as required. Datapool credentials are provided automatically. However, you can define additional credentials.
Data quality
Data Quality is the process used to derive unique, standardized, and complete master data. Data quality routines ensure that the data entered in a repository is "golden" so that data can be managed appropriately. If data quality is low, the repository will contain two or more records for the same logical item, that is, it will result in duplicate or unreliable data.
Data source
A data source is used to import data into repositories, identify records to create subsets and transform data. Data sources model external sources of information, such as any file that you want to upload.
Data sources can be in different formats within an organization.
Delegation profile
The delegation and reassignment feature allows controlled delegation and reassignment of work items from one user to another.
Delegation and reassignment is based on a list of specified user roles and their related access privileges. A delegation profile is used to limit the roles and users to whom work can be reassigned.
Display names
You can configure the Display Names for an attribute. Use TIBCO MDM Studio to define a display name for an attribute.
Refers to TIBCO Enterprise Message Service software. It enables TIBCO MDM to send and receive messages using the Java Message Service (JMS) protocol.
An event is created to initiate workflows when master data changes.
Each event is associated with one or more workflows and has several steps.
Most of the actions on master data are logged by creating events. Events are also created for any workflows fired. For each event, detailed trace information is logged to allow full audit of all changes. All event related information can be viewed and searched from the UI.
Notification work items notify you of any event that happens.
Explicit relationship
Explicit relationships are established within a repository using a predefined attribute called CONTAINS. The CONTAINS attribute is used to manage relationships with children records (not to parent records.) These relationships can span across repositories but, typically, they are established between records within a repository.
Failover refers to the ability of a server to assume the responsibilities of a failed server.
The application provides a workflow failover mechanism, where in case of a failure, workflows will not terminate but will restart at the point of last execution.
File attribute
A data type attribute. Used to search records that contain file extensions, such as, .gif, .png, and so on.
An application server component which is used to monitor various directories for incoming files. Each application server runs a filewatcher. For all other servers, change the filewatcher.xml file so that it does not monitor any directories.
You can change the configuration in filewatcher.xml to disable monitoring of directories on a server.
Floating of record
Whenever the state of a record is being changed from draft to confirmed or unconfirmed, (say R3) and if there is an unconfirmed version of the same record (say R2), the unconfirmed version (R2) is floated to a version number subsequent (R4) to the last confirmed version. This concept is known as floating of record versions. Relationship of the floated record version is the same as that of the record version whose state was changed.
Forward relationship
For example, assume that there is a source repository called Customer and the target repository called Address. You have stored the Customer's Billing Address information in the Address repository. In this case, the relation between Customer and Address is defined as Billing Address. The source repository is Customer, the target repository is Address, and the Relationship between them is Billing Address. In a hierarchy, the source repository, Customer becomes the parent. The target repository, Address becomes the child. Since the relationship is from Customer to Address, the relationship is known as a forward relationship. With respect to the Address repository, the relationship will be known as a reverse relationship.
Future dated record versions
Refers to the version of a record that contains an EFFECTIVEDATE attribute. After the future effective date arrives, a future dated record version becomes CONFIRMED and EFFECTIVE.
Global Backend System
A global backend system is visible to all the companies within the same instance of TIBCO MDM. Global backend systems are partners who are shared across enterprises. These profiles can be used and viewed at all other enterprises, but can only be modified by the enterprise which defined it. This allows centralized management of partner profiles.
GPC is a predefined classification scheme supplied with the seed data for the GDSN edition. This predefined classification scheme cannot be modified or deleted.
Golden copy
Name of a database table. The GOLDENCOPY table is added to store a copy of the confirmed data. The table includes PRODUCTKEY, CATALOGID, VERSION, and MODDATE.
Heterogeneous relationship
When the relationships between any three records in a hierarchy are different from the parent record to its parent, the relationship is said to be a Heterogeneous relationship. For example, consider a cross-repository relationship between the repositories - Customer, Address, and Status. The repository, Customer is related to Address using the Shipping Address relationship. The repository, Address is related to Status using the Address Status relationship. In the hierarchy, the relationship type between Customer and Address (Shipping Address) is different from the relationship type (Address Status) between Address and Status. Since the relationship type between any two records in the hierarchy is different, the relationship is a heterogeneous relationship.
Homogenous relationship
When the relationship between any records in a hierarchy is of the same type, the relationship is said to be a Homogenous relationship.
For example, consider a simple relationship (within a repository) that uses ASSOCIATE as the relationship between CUSTOMER 1, CUSTOMER 2 and CUSTOMER 3. Since the three records in the hierarchy are related to each other using the same type (ASSOCIATE), the relationship is a homogenous relationship.
Hot deployment
You can re-initialize various configured objects at run time without requiring a server re-start. In other words, as soon as values are changed, the Administrator can issue a request to reconfigure the application. This is known as hot deployment.
Implicit relationship
Implicit relationships are the ones that are established using cross-repository relationships and they are usually established across repositories.
Incremental deployment of metadata
Indicates that only new or changed data is included in the output file.
In-memory workflow
Indicates that the workflows are executed in memory. When workflows are set to in-memory, all the workflow data is retrieved from the cache and you can run workflows without persisting the workflow state information.
Input map
Input Maps are used to import a large amount of data from external sources. They use data sources as primary input and allow you to map the data source attributes to repository attributes. You can combine more than one data source to map all or only some of the repository attributes. You can define an expression while mapping, to transform the data.
The Input map name is unique for a repository.
Refers the Java Message Service protocol that is used by TIBCO Enterprise Message Service to send and receive messages in TIBCO MDM.
Java Management Extensions technology. Using the JMX technology, you can manage and monitor various objects of TIBCO MDM as they are created, installed, and implemented. For more information, refer to TIBCO MDM Management Using JMX chapter of TIBCO MDM System Administration.
Last confirmed version
Type of a system attribute. Refers to the version of a record when it was last confirmed.
Light-Weight Directory Access Protocol - name of a login module. TIBCO MDM uses this login module for password based authentication. For more information, refer to Appendix C External User Authentication in of TIBCO MDM System Administration.
Mass update
This feature allows you to update a set of records using a rule or to revert a set of records to a specific version.
Match and Merge
Activities included in the Record Duplicate Detection process. The MatchRecord activity allows you to search for matching records, and the MergeRecord activity accepts the output received from the MatchRecord activity and merges the source record with the target record.
Refers to the directory that includes all standard configuration files for workflow, data validation, and customization. The directory also contains all files generated during the application processing. For example, /home/tibco/mdm/version_number/common.
Refers to the location where TIBCO MDM is installed. For example, /home/tibco/mdm/verion_number
A minimum of 8 GB should be allocated to this directory.
Refers to the location where log files are generated. The recommended location
is $MQ_HOME/log. A minimum
of 1 GB should be allocated to this directory.
Multivalue attribute
Type of an attribute. For multivalue attributes, you can specify multiple values for the same record.
The process of changing the PRODUCTID or EXT of a record is called mutation. Mutation is possible if a record with the same PRODUCTID and EXT does not exist in a repository.
Notification work item
Type of work item. These work items are for information only and notify you of an event.
Output map
Output Maps associate repository attributes with corresponding attributes in various outbound synchronization formats such as EAN.UCC. A selection of predefined Output Maps are incorporated in TIBCO MDM to support numerous industry standard synchronization formats. In some cases, however, you may need to copy a pre-delivered template, or create an Output Map for a Custom synchronization format.
A subset view of a record bundle. Contains a subset of all relationships defined for a repository.
A data cleanup operation that lets you delete history, records, metadata, record versions, and event.
Quick view
Enables to display attributes as quick viewable. If the Include in Quick View check box is selected while creating an attribute, the attributes are displayed in the Quick View section of the record’s Relationships tab.
Basic unit of a repository.
All records that are added or modified are first validated against a rulebase before getting stored in the repository.
Used for GDSN while creating synchronization profile. Allows you to republish a discontinued record.
Indicates that the records in a repository are related to each other either within a repository or from across repositories.
Relationship effective date
The effective date applied to the relationship and its associated attributes.
A repository is a repository of master and reference data. You can store different types of records in one repository or create more than one repository. Repository allows you to manage records, establish relationship between records, search data, and integrate data with other enterprise systems.
A repository defines the structure of your master data (metadata).
Revivifier is a timer-based component of the TIBCO MDM application and is used to trigger workflows that need to be resumed from a suspended state. Each application server runs Revivifier.
Roles show all users that belong to a specific organization. You can see who belongs to the Supplier organization, Datapool organization, Buyer organization and backend systems. By default, roles display users who belong to your organization and their specific roles (which determine their access rights for the application).
For each organizational role, the TIBCO MDM administrator specifies which roles can be delegated by another role. When a user attempts to reassign a work item, the action is limited to a select list of user roles. Only users with the appropriate roles and access privileges are shown as possible candidates for the reassignment.
Rule domain
Business Processes are organized in Rule domains. Each rule domain is a collection of rules for a specific purpose. These domains are referred to by workflows and evaluated at run time to access matching rules.
Each rule domain has one or more rule templates which define the available conditions and actions for any rule. Some rule domains are configured only to have one rule template. You can define rules using any rule template.
Rule template
A business process rule template contains a set of conditions and actions that provide a structure for the rules that make up the template. Most common conditions are predefined. Any custom conditions can be added during implementation.
Catalog rules are specified in a rulebase file. Rules are executed in the order in which they are defined in the rulebase.
A rulebase file is composed of a header, variable declarations, and a constraint.
Rulebase constraints and actions
Rulebase constraint contains a condition and an action. The condition describes when the
rule needs to be applied. The action describes what the rule actually does and
controls what attributes the rule is applicable to.
Simple relationship
When records within a repository are related to each other, they are known to be in a simple relationship. You can define relationships of your choice between repositories or between the records of same repository.
Single entity
Specified in the IndexerConfig.xml file. Includes only one repository and its attributes.
Attributes or values given to the attributes can be assigned a softlink. A softlink looks like a hyperlink. Softlinks are evaluated every time they are accessed. As data changes, each evaluation can result in different results. There is no permanent binding. When you click a softlink, the system searches for records that match the criteria specified in a rulebase associated with the softlink.
Softlinks can also be used with the connect action to create relationships.
A softlink will be visible on attributes only if there is a rulebase associated with it.
Single Sign-on. A type of login module used for authentication of a user prior to logging in to TIBCO MDM.
Sticky configuration
Allows you to configure attributes to be always displayed on the Browse and Search screen. You can configure such attributes using the Configure link.
A subflow is a small workflow segment which can be used together to compose bigger workflows. This makes management of configuration easy.
Subset rule
Subset rules are created to select a set of records from a repository.
Subset Rules allow you to:
- Select records for synchronization with Partners or backend systems.
- Save searches to save the selection criterion for reuse in a record search.
- Create a list of records for browsing.
You can construct a Subset Rule from a predefined list using a data source, individual searches and selections or an SQL expression. These rules are applied when a Partner Catalog is created.
Support engineer
A user that deals with all the support aspects of TIBCO MDM. The Log Download, Query Tool, and Server Performance menus are visible for the user with this role.
Synchronization is a workflow process and can be configured as per your company needs.
Synchronization bundles a root repository and the related repositories together into a ZIP file that contains the following:
- A relationship file, which is a text file that contains the relationship between the root and the related repositories.
- An index file.
- An output file for every Output Format supported by the Output Map.
The ZIP file is stored in the local directory and can be downloaded from the Event Details screen.
Synchronization Format
Synchronization formats define the data format of the data required by the consumers (such as any External System or Datapool) of that data. The format defines the attributes and their order.
The mappings of repository attributes to a synchronization format are defined in an output map. When a repository is synchronized, the synchronization format provides the structure for the output information.
Synchronization profile
Synchronization Profiles provide a way of extracting information from repositories. As part of the Synchronization Profile definition, you can choose:
- Which records should be extracted
- Which record versions should be included
- Which attributes are to be extracted
- If there are any transformation rules to be applied
- Where the extracted data is to be sent and how
A Synchronization Profile can be setup once and reused again to extract data. The extraction can be initiated using Filewatcher or from the user interface. The data contained in repository is not changed by extraction process. For each extraction, the synchronization history can be maintained and inquired. The extracted data can be a text file or XML message.
Synchronous mode
A web service can be executed in the Synchronous or Asynchronous execution mode. With synchronous services, the client invokes a service and then waits for a response to the request.
Text indexing
Allows you to index single and join entities in an IndexerConfig.xml file. The defined single entities can be searched and displayed on the Text Search page. The defined join entities can be searched using web services.
Displays the detailed status of timeout of a work item. For example, number of times, maximum number of timeouts, method, and next timeout.
Universal Product Code. Used to identify the product quickly. Includes two parts - numbers and a series of bars. You can read the defined numbers. A series of bars is scanned and tracked by Computers.
UDEX is a predefined classification scheme supplied with the seed data for the GDSN edition. This predefined classification schemes cannot be modified or deleted.
Workflow is one of the core components of TIBCO MDM. It is used to initiate and manage business processes.
Workflows are initiated by submitting a workflow request to the Process Engine. Workflow requests are XML documents created by the application in response to an external event, that is, receipt of a JMS message or modification of data using the UI. The process engine selects a workflow based on data present in the workflow request.
Work item
The Inbox has a list of assigned and delegated tasks, known as work items. Work items are assigned to users based on the business process rule configured for the organization. You may also receive work items delegated to you by other users as a result of reassignment of work items.
Work items are of two types:
Workflow activity
Workflow activities are atomic work units which can be connected together to define a business process. Workflow activities share a common set of tags that define their execution mode and interaction with the rest of the workflow system.
Work item expiry
Indicates that the work item is expired or timed out. After it expires, it can be automatically unlocked.
Work item lock
You can lock a shared work item to prevent others from opening it. Indicates that you have started working on a shared work item, and others should wait for you to complete or unlock the work item.
Work item reassignment
Refers to the work items delegated from one user to another user. The work item reassignment is allowed only if you have permissions to do so. Also, the
users to whom you can reassign is determined by Role Delegation. Reassignment of work items releases the lock on that work item.
Work item submit
After you complete the action on a work item, click the Submit button to close the work item.
Work item summary
Represents a summary of all work items. The Work Item Summary contains a hierarchical tree structure that includes a set of preferences and its various levels.
Work item summary preference
Defines how work items are to be summarized You can define multiple preferences. Each preference is a set of levels on which work items are summarized.
Web Services Description Language. The WSDL file contains the primary contract with the new service definition and
the four primary operations (add, delete, update, and find).