Invoking an Operation

For each resource path, you must define operations (or HTTP methods) that can be used to access the path.

The following are the supported operations (HTTP methods):

  • GET: Provides a read only access to a resource.
  • POST: Creates a new resource.

Information in Response

For each supported operation, you can visualize what a response would look like before sending a request. The Responses section displays the following information:

  • Response content type: You can view the Response in the JSON format. The default format is JSON.
  • Request URL: You can use this URL to send the request.
  • Server responses: This section displays the Code, Response Body, and Response Headers.
  • Responses: This section displays the Code, a Description that indicates whether a successful Response was received or a Fault was received. It also includes links to an Example Value and the corresponding Model. The Example Value is displayed by default. You can click Model to view the model.