Confirming Edited Records

When you click Next, all the records edited are shown in the Changed Records List screen.

All the changes are displayed in a read-only view in the table. This screen displays the repository name, repository description, and comments if any.


  1. Click View to view a complete single changed record.
  2. Click Compare option to compare the changes done on a record with the record version which was selected for mass update.
  3. Click Remove to remove the selected records from the master bucket. The master bucket is the master list that contains all edited records.
  4. Click Validate to validate the mass update of all records. This validation uses the same catalogvalidation.xml that is used at the time of record validation.
    • After the validation is done, a new Errors column appears in the table. This column indicates any errors that occurred during validation.
    • After the validation is done, a drop-down list is displayed which allows you to view the records in error.

      If a record has an error, all records cannot be saved until the record with the error is either corrected or removed from the list.

      However, a work supervisor can save records with errors.

  5. Click Save And Process when you are prompted for a confirmation to process the mass update. After you confirm, the next screen is displayed with a Check Progress link.
  6. Click the Check Progress link to view the corresponding event details or click OK to return to the Basic mode of the Mass Update search screen.
  7. Click Back, the records from the last session are displayed in an editable view.
  8. Click Cancel, a confirmation dialog is displayed. If you agree to the cancellation, all changes in all records are discarded, and you are navigated to the Mass Update screen in Basic Mode with a fresh session.