Merging Nodes

Use the merge operation to eliminate duplicate or redundant categories by merging them into one (merge into existing at the same level). In cases where re-branding products as a new category (new node at the same level) or completely removing sub-category of products.


  • Ensure that you have linked records to the nodes that you want to merge.
  • Ensure that you have submitted the previously generated hierarchy link approval work item.
  • Set the Hierarchy Edit Approval business process rule if you want approval for merging nodes in a hierarchy by generating the work item.


  1. On the Link Records page from the Nodes panel, select the node which you want to merge.
    Warning: You cannot select multiple nodes. You can merge only the sibling nodes. You cannot merge two different branches. For example, you cannot merge nodes from Electronic and Food nodes.
  2. Click More Actions icon and select Merge.
    The Merge Nodes wizard is displayed with a list of steps.

  3. On the Step-1 Select Nodes page, the selected node that you want to merge and a list of its leaf sibling nodes are displayed.
    1. Select the sibling nodes that you want to merge together.
    2. Hover over help on the node displays its properties.
    3. Click Next.
  4. In the Step-2 Merge Nodes section, select any one of the following options:

    1. Create a new node at the same level: Merges the selected nodes and creates the new node at the same level.
    2. Merge with (select node from the drop-down list): Merges the node with one of the existing nodes
    3. Move all links to parent: Deletes all the sibling nodes. The parent node becomes the leaf node. All records links move to the parent node.
      Note: The Move all links to parent option is disabled in the following cases:
      • If the node selected for merging is an immediate child node of the root node of a hierarchy
      • If the non-leaf sibling node exists at the same level of the node that is being selected for merging
    4. Click Next.
  5. In the Step-3 Review section, the existing nodes and the new node (into which you want to merge the existing nodes) are displayed. Review the node list.

    1. Click Next.
  6. In the Step-4 Submit section, add reasons for merging nodes in the Comments box. By default, the Process through workflow check box is selected. The check box is displayed if you have the Allow confirmation of hierarchy without workflow permissions.
  7. Click Finish.
    The hierarchy workflow is initiated for processing all changes done. The selected node is merged based on your selection.


If you have set the Hierarchy Edit Approval business process rule, the merge hierarchy work item is created. For information, see Hierarchy Work Item.