
REST call headers are the HTTP headers, a required component of the message. The headers define the operating parameters of the transaction.
Header Field Name Description Example
Authorization Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication.

Basic username:password:EnterpriseName

userName:Password:EnterpriseName should be encoded in the Base64 format in the Authorization parameter . For example,john:john:Company is encoded in the Base64 format as am9objpqb2huOkNvbXBhbnk= You can encrypt the password string for security purpose. For details refer Password Encryption and Decryption
Attention: For WebLogic application server, the header request must be sent without the Basic in the Authorization field. For example, username:password:EnterpriseName
Content-Type The content type should contain a JSON formatted text.
  • application/json
  • multipart/form-data
apiVersion Specifies the API version to be used. 2.0