Input to Utility

Input to Utility
Input to Utility Descriptions
-a Enterprise ID - either ID or name can be specified. Valid for exec mode = history, historyForce, repository, metadata, recordversions, or metadataversions. When specified, takes precedence over -r and implies all repositories.
-an Enterprise name - either ID or name can be specified. Valid for exec mode = history, historyForce, repository, metadata, record versions, or metadataversions. When specified, takes precedence over -r and implies all repositories. For dsn, rn and an, ALL can be specified to include all entities.
-d Number of days for history or record versions retention.
-ds Data source ID.
-dsn Data source name - either data source ID or name can be specified. If name is specified, enterprise must be specified as well.
-e Event ID.
-ed End date, must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
  • sd and -ed works in pair. Specifying just -ed or -sd will throw validation errors.
  • -sd and -ed option would takes precedence over -d and -i options.
  • -sd and -ed can be used with all combinations wherever -d and -i options were applicable.
-epwd Specify the encrypted password of the member. Either the password or the encrypted password must be provided.
-h Hints. Specify a -h option along with a series of characters. For information on hint characters, refer to Hint Characters.
-i Interval. Specify an interval in days and must be a positive integer. For information on interval, refer to Interval in Record Versions.
-l Specify the stop condition limit when purging records in batches. This parameter is only supported for the execution mode deletedRecords.
-ip Specify if the job needs incremental processing or not with values Y or N. If the incremental feature is enabled and there is a previous execution of the same job, it will use the cutOfDate of the previous execution of the same job and use the startDate, unless the start date is explicitly defined using the -sd input parameter. Enabling incremental makes sure that purge is done only for the delta since the last purge. This needs -n parameter to define a unique name for the purge job, which is used to identify the previous execution of the purge.
-m Member ID. ID or name is mandatory.
-mn Member name. ID or name is mandatory.
-n Specify a unique name for the purge job.
-o Purge execution mode.
-p Record Key ID.
-pp Specify the purge policy (Light, Medium, or Aggressive) to use for a purge.
-pwd Specify the password of the member.
-r Repository ID.
-rn Repository name - either repository ID or name can be specified. If repository name is specified, enterprise must be specified as well.
-sd Start date, must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
-v Number of record versions to retain. Specify for exec mode = recordversions.
Tip: Run the following query to find the member ID and enterprise ID to perform purge:
select ID from member where enterpriseid in ( select  ID from enterprise where NAME = 'ENTERPRISE_NAME') and username ='admin'