Export of Business Objects Using Request XML

You can export the following business objects and their components. A request XML file can have one or all of the business objects as an independent entities in the file. The IDs of these business objects and their components are output.

  • Repository: When a repository is exported, the following subcomponents are exported along with it:
    • Attribute
    • Attribute Group
    • Classification Scheme
    • OutputMap
    • InputMap
    • Perspective
    • Relationship Definition
    • Database Table Name for the repository
    • Database Column Name for any user-defined attribute of the repository.

      You can export more than one repository from one Company to another. For every repository that is exported, all the components get exported along with them. If a repository is related to another repository, then all the related repositories are also exported to the destination Company.

      For example, there are four repositories MC1, MC2, MC3 and MC4. There are forward relationships defined between them as MC1->r1->MC2->r2->MC3->r3->MC4. In this case, if the meta data of MC1 is exported, the meta data of all four repositories is exported from the company.

      But, if the meta data of MC2 is exported, the meta data of only MC2, MC3 and MC4 is exported.

  • Business Process Rules: You can export one or more Business Process Rules from one company to another. When you export a Business Process Rule, the following subcomponents are exported as files:
    • Rules Metadata
    • Rules Model
    • Rules Data
  • Data Sources: You can export more than one data source from the source company to the destination company. The data source file is exported as is. For SQL based data sources, exported meta data does not contain the data of the underlying table. Also, when imported, no changes are made to the underlying table.

    When a data source is exported, the following subcomponents are exported along with it:

    • Database Table Name
    • Database Attribute Names
  • Synchronization Format: When you export a synchronization format, the following components are exported:
    • Attribute
    • Attribute Groups
  • OutputMap: When you export an OutputMap, the following components are exported:
    • Attribute
    • Attribute Groups

      If an output map is related to another output map, then all the related output maps are also exported.

  • InputMap: When you export an InputMap, the following components are exported:
    • Attribute
    • Attribute Groups

      If an input map is related to another input map, then all the related input maps are also exported.

      Note: The default input map does not get exported with the repository if no mappings are defined.
  • Classification Scheme: When you export a Classification scheme, the following components are exported:
    • Classification definition
    • Codes
    • Code attributes
  • Users, Roles, and Permissions: These Business Objects do not have any further components.