Comparing Versions of a Record

Many times, a product is passed around in a workflow and it undergoes changes at every stage in the workflow. Every time the product is modified in a workflow, it is saved as a new version of the same record. There might be times when you would want to compare changes between any two versions of the record. Draft records can also be compared.

A Compare option is shown for the current record when:

  • There is at least one confirmed or unconfirmed record (active or deleted) with a version less than the current record version.
  • No records are found in step 1 and there is at least one draft record with a version less than the current record version and both (draft record and current record) are owned by the same user.


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. From the Repository Name drop-down list, select the name of the repository in which you want to compare records.
  3. Click the View All button. A list of records is displayed.
  4. Click a record whose versions you want to compare. The View Record screen is displayed.
  5. Click . The Compare Versions screen is displayed.
  6. Select any two versions of the records that you want to compare. By default, the latest and the last modified versions are selected.
    • In the Compare Version drop-down list, select first version:

      Confirmed: All confirmed active record versions.

      Unconfirmed: All active unconfirmed records with versions between the current record and the last active confirmed record

      All: All confirmed active records

      All unconfirmed records (both active and deleted) and all confirmed deleted records (with versions between the current record and the last active confirmed record)

      All draft records with version between the current record and the last active confirmed record such that the draft record and current record are owned by same user.

    • In the with Version drop-down list, select second version: Confirmed, Unconfirmed, All
  7. You can choose to compare versions that are confirmed, unconfirmed, or both.
  8. Click the Compare button. By default, Show Differences only check box is selected. All differences pertaining to an Attribute Group are displayed. The list is categorized by Attribute Groups. If the Show Differences Only check box is not selected all the values for various attributes are displayed irrespective of whether they are different or not. Differences are highlighted in red.
    Note: If you want the Show Differences only check box to be cleared for the first time you login, change the value of the Show Differences only option through the Configurator and then log into the application.
  9. Select one of the following options from the Show Comparison For drop-down list to specify the type of differences that must be displayed.
    • All
    • Record Attributes: By default, this option is selected. That is, differences between the values of their record attributes are displayed.
    • Relationships: Only forward relationship differences are compared.
    • Relationships Attributes
    • Relationship Target Records
    • Classifications: For information on comparing classification record versions refer to, Comparing Classification of Record Versions.
    A summary of comparisons is displayed in a tabular form in the Summary section of the screen.
  10. Click the record attribute row or relationship attribute row in the table of the Summary section to view the details of the comparison in Comparison Details section of the screen.
    For information on Future Effective Date Records, refer to Comparing Future Effective Date Record Versions.