AttributeQualityDefinition Repository

This repository defines the quality of data received from a source, per attribute.

Some of the different formats or settings in the AttributeQualityDefinition repository are as follows:
  • The Decay Type can be any of the following format:
    1. None
    2. Linear
    3. Half Life
  • The Decay Unit is presented as the following formats:
    1. Hour
    2. Day
    3. Month
    4. Year
  • The range for weight can be anywhere 1 through 100.
  • The range for the decay period must be a positive integer anywhere 1 through 999.
  • Boolean drop-down can be set to true or false.
  • Records in PrecedenceDefinition and AttributeQualityDefinition repositories cannot be modified unless in the context of relationship from the record source. The means of Precedence matrix cannot be modified directly. To modify the precedence matrix, you must navigate through the source.
  • Trust factor is applied only on a new source for weight calculation. Decay is applied only on an old source.