Hierarchy Work Item

The hierarchy work item is generated for the actions that you perform on a hierarchy only if you have set the hierarchy approval business process rule.

Work Item for Import Hierarchy

The hierarchy work item is created in the following cases:

Sections on the Work Item Page Description
Work item Information For information, see Work Item Details View.

The Browse link is displayed if you have linked records to the hierarchy and split and merged nodes in a hierarchy.

After clicking Browse, you can view the changes made during linking records (linked and unlinked records). In the Link and Unlink sections, the node, its linked or unlinked records, and its associated repository details are displayed.

When you hover over on the node name, the path to the node is displayed. After clicking the record link, record details are displayed.

Hierarchy Information Lists information about the hierarchy name, its ID and version, the action performed on the hierarchy (create, modify, delete, or link records), and information about the nodes added, deleted, or records linked.

Click the <hierarchyname> link to view the hierarchy details. However, you cannot modify the hierarchy from within the work item.

The details include added, modified, moved, and removed nodes with Approve and Reject options per node.
Note: All recurring changes in the draft state are saved in the same version. Therefore, the removed nodes section is not displayed after submitting the draft hierarchy.
  • Approve: Reviewer approves the changes done to the hierarchy.
  • Reject: If the reviewer rejects one of the nodes in a new hierarchy, the entire hierarchy is rejected. When reviewer rejects any changes, the work item is rejected along with the changes made in the work item, and then original user can make necessary corrections and submit those changes for approval (which in turn creates a fresh work item for approval).

    Reviewer can reject changes in the hierarchy nodes and add rejection comments to be corrected by the modifying user. Reviewer can add a comment on each rejected node. After the reviewer identifies all rejections to be done, sends the nodes for correction, and submits the work item, the work item is closed.

    A new correction work item is created for the original user who made the modifications in the hierarchy or the user who created hierarchy. Later, the event goes to the Hierarchy Correction state.

    Additionally, if the reviewer rejects any nodes and does not select the Send For Correction check box, and submits the work item, then complete version of hierarchy is rejected.

    Note: The Details section for closed approval work items shows hierarchy change details in the read-only format.
Details section for correction work items The Correct Now link is displayed in the Alerts section for correction work items. The Alerts section also shows a message the that correction work item cannot be submitted until corrections are made to the hierarchy and hierarchy is submitted or saved (which in turn are processed through workflow and a new approval cycle).
Change Information Shows the user name and comments added by a user when submitting the hierarchy.
Sent for Correction By default, the check box is disabled.

If the reviewer rejects one of the nodes (that is, changes the nodes from any of the added, modified, moved, or removed section), then the Send For Correction is enabled.

If all nodes are approved, the Send For Correction check box is disabled.

The Change Information section and the Send For Correction check box are not displayed for the correction work items.
Comments Add relevant comments for rejection or approval of a work item.

When a hierarchy is in work item for the approval process, it remains locked with the associated user (who created the hierarchy or made changes to the hierarchy) and in an event. The status of the hierarchy is displayed as Pending on the Hierarchies list page. Lock is automatically released when the workflow is completed.

Use Case for Rejection of Delete Hierarchy Work Item

Consider, you have deleted version 1 confirmed (Published state) hierarchy. Version 2 is created with unconfirmed (Pending state) and a work item is created. Reviewer rejects the delete operation from the Details section of a work item and submits the work item. The following actions are performed:
  • Version 2 is discarded as rejected and version 1 is automatically restored.
  • Version history list page shows version 1 as Published and version 2 as Rejected.
  • This hierarchy then further remains Active and in the Normal state. Further modifications to the hierarchy generates version 3.