Apache Ignite Durable Memory

Apache Ignire provides a page-based (durable) memory architecture that is split into pages of fixed size. The pages are stored in managed off-heap regions in RAM (outside of Java heap).

Memory Configuration

By default, Apache Ignite nodes consume up to 2GB of the RAM available locally. You can change the size of the default memory by using the totalSize property in the IgniteMember.xml file. Specify the memory size in MB. For example,
<property name="properties">            
<!-- Size in MB -->                
<prop key="totalSize">2048</prop>            

Data Region

A data region is a logical expandable area. Durable memory includes one or more data regions that can vary in size and eviction policies, be persisted on disk. By default, the Apache Ignite node creates the Default region that allocates 30% memory of total memory. The TIBCO MDM Ignite node creates the following custom types of region:
  • Core: Allocates 20% memory of total memory
  • Evictable: Allocates 20% memory of total memory
  • NonEvictable: Allocates 20% memory of total memory
  • Expirable: Allocates 10% memory of total memory
The following diagram represents the structure of Apache Ignite durable memory structure in TIBCO MDM: