ConfigMap YAML File Parameters

You can update the ConfigMap parameters based on the configuration that you are using.

The following table lists the parameters available in the ConfigMap YAML file (docker\k8s_deployment\config_dep.yaml), their definitions and example values:
Parameter Name Definition
MQ_TROPOS_ENVIRONMENT_ID Name of the namespace
MQ_MDM_DB_TYPE Database type


MQ_MDM_DB_HOST Database server host name


MQ_MDM_DB_PORT Database port
  • 5432 for POSTGRESQL
  • 1521 for ORACLE
  • 1433 for SQLSERVER
MQ_MDM_DB_NAME Database name

Example: velodb

MQ_MDM_DB_USETABLESPACES Set this value to true if the TIBCO MDM database uses undefined table spaces.
MQ_MDM_DB_MIN_CONN_COUNT, MQ_MDM_DB_MAX_CONN_COUNT Minimum and maximum number of database connections for TIBCO MDM database .
MQ_MDM_FAST_CACHE_ENABLED To enable golden record cache, set this value as true. Else set it as false.
MQ_ACTIVEMQ_COMPONENT_IDS The name by which TIBCO MDM server discovers other services

Example: MQ_ACTIVEMQ_COMPONENT_IDS: activemq.namespace.svc.cluster.local

MQ_PATTERNS_COMPONENT_IDS Example: MQ_PATTERNS_COMPONENT_IDS: patterns.namespace.svc.cluster.local
MQ_IGNITE_COMPONENT_IDS Example: MQ_IGNITE_COMPONENT_IDS: ignite.namespace.svc.cluster.local
MQ_MDM_COMPONENT_IDS Example: MQ_MDM_COMPONENT_IDS: mdm.namespace.svc.cluster.local
MQ_TZ Set the time zone before you deploy containers in Kubernetes. All containers including the database must be in the same time zone. By default, the time zone is set to Asia/Kolkata.
For TIBCO MDM REST API through Swagger UI
SWAGGER_MDM_HOST An IP address of the TIBCO MDM server on which you want to try out TIBCO MDM REST APIs.
SWAGGER_MDM_PORT Port of the TIBCO MDM server on which you want to try out TIBCO MDM REST APIs.