Importing Input Maps Metadata

You can import the metadata for input map in two ways:

  • Along with the metadata import of the repository.
  • Independent of the metadata import of the repository.
    Note: The ProcessServiceMessage activity is not supported for in-memory workflows.


  1. Importing Metadata Independent of the Repository
    1. Use the response JAR file generated from the metadata export of the input map to import the metadata.
    2. Copy the JAR into the FileWatcher incoming folder setup for copy metadata, setup polling interval and check event log after the interval. Make sure the event is successful.
    3. Ensure that:
    • The Data Source and repository referred in the response XML/JAR exist on the target company.
    • All input map attributes referred in the response XML are present in the target repository.

      To alter the metadata of exported entities to avoid duplication or loss of metadata in the target company, you can perform the following actions. However, this is not recommended.

    1. Extract the response XML from the metadata response JAR file, and edit this file.
    2. If you want to add a new input map (custom), you can change the name of that map in the ExternalKeys XML element of the input map and in the EntityData Attribute (name):
               <Key name="name" type="string">IMAP1</Key>
               <Key name="catalog" type="string">Address</Key>
           <Attribute name="name" type="string">IMAP1</Attribute>
           <Attribute name="description" type="string">IMAP1</Attribute>
           <Attribute name="commonKey" type="string"/>
    3. You can also import an input map to a repository different from the source repository, provided all attributes referred by the input map exist in the target repository. To do this, you have to change the repository name as follows in the metadata export response XML:
           <Key name="name" type="string">IMAP1</Key>
           <Key name="catalog" type="string">Address</Key>
           <Attribute name="name" type="string">IMAP1</Attribute>
           <Attribute name="description" type="string">IMAP1</Attribute>
           <Attribute name="commonKey" type="string"/>

      You can also create the response XML manually, which is valid per the DataService Schema.

    4. After making all changes to the response XML, put it back into the source JAR file.
    5. You can also use the response XML without adding this file into the JAR.
  2. Importing Input Maps Metadata with Cross-Repository Relationships
    1. When an Input Map is exported as a part of MasterCatalog Entity or as an Independent Entity, the related InputMaps are also exported in the Response XML.
    2. For a given InputMap Entity within the Command Object, the Response XML would have multiple Entities within the same Command if the InputMap Entity being exported has related InputMaps.