Workflow Errors

Workflow Errors
Error Code Error Description
WFL-5001 Workflow <Parameter name='PROCESSINSTANCENAME'> failed during execution of activity <Parameter name='PROCESSINSTANCEACTIVITY'>. Step ID <Parameter name='PROCESSINSTANCEACTIVITY'>, Process ID <Parameter name='PROCESSINSTANCEACTIVITY'>. Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
WFL-5002 Invalid value <Parameter name='CONVMOVETO'> for next state to MoveTo. Check workflow and rules set up.
WFL-5004 Document out of sequence; cannot be processed. Failed to perform a <Parameter name='CONVACTION'> to state <Parameter name='CONVMOVETO'> with key <Parameter name='CONVKEY'>. Incorrect key definitions.
WFL-5005 Only one condition can be specified.
WFL-5006 Condition is required for transition.
WFL-5007 Unsupported condition format: [<Parameter name='NAME'>].
WFL-5011 Activity name missing.
WFL-5012 Illegal name [<Parameter name='NAME'>] for an activity.
WFL-5015 Activity specified in the transition [<Parameter name='NAME'>] not defined in the workflow.
WFL-5016 More than one start activity specified in the workflow.
WFL-5017 Workflow must have one start activity.
WFL-5018 Required parameter <Parameter name='NAME'> not specified or null.
WFL-5021 No work item recipients defined; work items not created.
WFL-5024 Workflow selection rule did not return workflow for doctype = <Parameter name='DOCTYPE'>, sender = <Parameter name='SENDER'>, receiver = <Parameter name='RECEIVER'>.
WFL-5028 Undefined (required) variable <Parameter name='NAME'>.
WFL-5032 Error evaluating workflow transition from activity <Parameter name='FROMACTIVITY'> to <Parameter name='TOACTIVITY'>. Transition expression: <Parameter name='CONDITION'>.
WFL-5036 No work item recipient defined. Workflow cannot continue without recipient.
WFL-5040 Could not find any in-progress workflow for MessageID = <Parameter name='MESSAGEID'>.
WFL-5041 Could not find any in-progress workflow for ProcessID = <Parameter name='PROCESSID'>.
WFL-5042 InitiateWorkflow activity could not find a workflow for command = <Parameter name='COMMAND'>, process ID = <Parameter name='VALUE'>, Process Type = <Parameter name='TYPE'>. Error in workflow manager configuration.
WFL-5044 Invalid value <Parameter name='VALUE'> for input parameter <Parameter name='PARAMETER'>.
WFL-5045 Invalid inputs. Array sizes mismatch.
WFL-5046 Invalid inputs. 'DeleteRecordVersions' can not be specified using 'historyPurge' execMode.
WFL-5047 Error populating template document <Parameter name='FILENAME'>. Review associated error messages.
WFL-5048 Null record collection input passed to activity; valid record collection required.
WFL-5049 Null status group passed as input to activity.
WFL-5050 Incorrect status group value.
WFL-5052 Unsupported mode for delete. Specify recordlist, productIds, inDocument or record collection as input to the activity.
WFL-5053 No record specified for delete.
WFL-5054 Work item is locked by <Parameter name='USER'> user. Try again after <Parameter name='DATE'>.
WFL-5055 Work item is locked by <Parameter name='USER'> user. Expiration date is not configured.
WFL-5056 Work item cannot be locked at this time.
WFL-5058 No authorization to lock/relock work item.
WFL-5059 No authorization to unlock work item.
WFL-5060 Cannot unlock work item.
WFL-5061 Cannot not unlock work item; locked by user <Parameter name='USER'>.
WFL-5062 Work item locking not enabled.
WFL-5063 Invalid operation specified for notification work item <Parameter name='WORKITEMID'>.
WFL-5064 Unsupported INDOCUMENT. Must be mlXML.
WFL-5065 Record has <a href=<Parameter name='VALUE'>> rejections</a>.
WFL-5066 Record has <a href=<Parameter name='VALUE'>> warnings</a>.
WFL-5067 Record has <a href=<Parameter name='VALUE'>> errors</a>.
WFL-5068 Failover recovery not supported for activity <Parameter name='NAME'> in asynchronous mode.
WFL-5069 Activity has input parameters 'SkipMergeAttributeList' and 'AllowMergeAttributeList', only one can be specified.
WFL-5070 Duplicate activity <Parameter name='NAME'>. Correct workflow to provide unique names to each activity.
WFL-5071 Duplicate transition <Parameter name='NAME'>. Correct workflow to provide unique names to each transition.
WFL-5072 Mandatory input parameter <Parameter name='NAME'> not specified.
WFL-5073 Value of type <Parameter name='NAME'> not compatible with class <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'>.
WFL-5074 Invalid work item form. 'productgroup' element not defined.
WFL-5075 Incorrect 'Any' transition <Parameter name='NAME'> found. 'Any' transitions can be defined only for error, timeout, and cancel transition types.
WFL-5076 Unsupported mode for Merge Record Activity. Specify processlogID, inDocument as activity input.
WFL-5077 Record has alerts.
WFL-5078 Activity Name not specified.
WFL-5079 No valid parent event found.
WFL-5080 Parent event cannot be restarted.
WFL-5081 Event restart failed. Check error logs.
WFL-5082 Process associated with the parent event cannot be restarted.
WFL-5083 Event undo failed.
WFL-5084 Event undo not allowed. Process state is not an end state. Cancel the event first.
WFL-5085 Parameter <Parameter name='PARAMETER'> value or name is null.
WFL-5086 User is not authorized to purge data for the specified company.
WFL-5087 Only one of the PurgeMode and PurgeExecMode parameters can be specified.
WFL-5088 Only one value can be specified for <Parameter name= 'NAME'>.
WFL-5089 ValidateOnly can be specified only if rulebase is also specified.
WFL-5090 Event does not exist or executed in memory; no other details available.
WFL-5091 Event not yet started.
WFL-5092 Activity <Parameter name='NAME'> could not be instantiated.
WFL-5093 Class for activity <Parameter name='NAME'> not found.
WFL-5094 Class for activity <Parameter name='NAME'> not accessible.
WFL-5095 No access to class <Parameter name='NAME'> or its methods.
WFL-5096 Class <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'> not in classpath.
WFL-5097 Value for parameter <Parameter name='PARAMETER'> not of expected type <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'>.
WFL-5098 Parameter <Parameter name='PARAMETER'> not of known type.
WFL-5099 Either toDir should be specified or appendDate should be true.
WFL-5100 Source <Parameter name='NAME'> not supported.
WFL-5101 Source required.
WFL-5102 Processes associated with this event cannot be restarted.