Security Errors

Security Errors
Error Code Error Description
SEC-5501 Cannot authenticate credentials with user name <Parameter name='USER'>, domain <Parameter name='DOMAIN'>.
SEC-5503 Attempt to execute <Parameter name='REQUESTEDACCESS'> denied on <Parameter name='RESOURCETYPE'> <Parameter name='RESOURCENAME'> (<Parameter name='RESOURCEID'>).
SEC-5504 Cannot find credential with ID = <Parameter name='NAME'> in domain <Parameter name='DOMAIN'>.
SEC-5505 Authentication failed for user <Parameter name='USER'> and enterprise <Parameter name='ENTERPRISE'>.
SEC-5506 Authentication failed. External role(s) <Parameter name='ROLE'> do(es) not exist for enterprise <Parameter name='ENTERPRISE'>.
SEC-5507 <Parameter name='REQUESTEDACCESS'> denied on <Parameter name='RESOURCENAME'> for some <Parameter name='RESOURCETYPE'>.
SEC-5508 Access denied to one or more output map attributes; they map to one or more secured or hidden repository attributes.
SEC-5510 Undefined user '<Parameter name='LDAPUSER'>' for LDAP server '<Parameter name='LDAPSERVER'>.
SEC-5511 LDAP access failed for user '<Parameter name='LDAPUSER'> on LDAP server '<Parameter name='LDAPSERVER'>. Root cause '<Parameter name='LDAP_FAILURE_CAUSE'>.
SEC-5512 Specified login name <Parameter name='USER'> maps to more than one valid user. Login name should identify a unique user.
SEC-5513 Attempt to <Parameter name='REQUESTEDACCESS'> denied. No privileges for user <Parameter name='RESOURCEID'> to perform this operation on other users work items.
SEC-5514 Attempt to execute <Parameter name='REQUESTEDACCESS'> denied for <Parameter name='RESOURCETYPE'>.
SEC-5515 LDAP is not configured correctly.
SEC-5516 Role Mapping file is not found. User creation or update failed.
SEC-5517 Missing Kerberos service tokens.
SEC-5518 User does not belong to the company of the event.
SEC-5519 Invalid event ID <Parameter name='EVENTID'> specified.
SEC-5520 Invalid user ID specified.
SEC-5521 Invalid company ID or company ID missing.
SEC-5522 Invalid user name.
SEC-5523 User does not belong to the company of the data source.
SEC-5524 User not authorized to purge data for all companies.
SEC-5525 User <Parameter name='USER'> not authorized to run command line interface.
SEC-5526 User not authorized to create archival schema.
SEC-5527 Invalid Token - Authentication Failed.
SEC-5528 TIBCOCIM company cannot be deleted.
SEC-5529 User not authorized to delete company.
SEC-5530 Invalid repository name <Parameter name='NAME'> specified.
SEC-5531 Invalid classification scheme name <Parameter name='NAME'> specified.
SEC-5532 Password expired for user <Parameter name='NAME'>. Please reset your password.
SEC-5534 Password cannot be empty.
SEC-5535 Password and confirm password should be the same.
SEC-5538 Password should not contain space characters.
SEC-5539 Password must contain <Parameter name='NAME'> alphanumeric characters with at least one lowercase and one uppercase alphabets and one numeric entry.
SEC-5540 Reset password link generated.
SEC-5541 User must be a super user to reset password.
SEC-5542 The user does not have a super user role permission. Only the super user can delete an enterprise.