Database Loader - How It Works

  • Database loader can be initiated from UI, FileWatcher, and Command line by providing the appropriate input arguments. For more information, refer to Initiation of Database Loader.
  • Using import, the following tables are populated in the Repository: MCT, PRODUCTKEY, PRINCIPALKEY, GOLDENCOPY, and RELATIONSHIP (Multivalue Attribute and Relationship Attribute tables, if applicable).
  • Implicit relationships are processed.
  • Multi Value attributes and Relationship attributes are supported.
  • A rollback file is generated to rollback the changes.
Note: You can rollback changes by executing the rollback script. Search for the filename using the following information message: database loader rollback filename is: (The Complete path is logged as an INFO message in the log file). The Rollback file is generated in the Work directory. Download the rollback file using the Event Log screen.

Rollback is performed only for those records and versions that are created or modified by the current event. Therefore, it is best to rollback recent versions of records with the recent event only.