Catalog Errors

Catalog Errors
Error Code Error Description
CAT-1001 Synchronization failed. Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
CAT-1003 Data source upload failed. Additional error message: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
CAT-1004 Cannot save record(s). One or more records failed configured validation. Associated message: <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>. Correct all errors and try again.
CAT-1005 Invalid common key selected; common key <Parameter name='null'> does not exist in one or more selected data sources. Ensure that common key exists in all selected data sources.
CAT-1006 Some components used in synchronization are no longer valid. Verify synchronization profile.
CAT-1007 Invalid directory <Parameter name='DIRECTORY'> specified.
CAT-1008 Directory <Parameter name='DIRECTORY'> not writable.
CAT-1009 Invalid source expression(s) specified: <br><br><Parameter name='null'>.
CAT-1011 Incomplete definition for one or more selected data sources; no attributes defined. Data source(s) cannot be used to define input maps.
CAT-1012 Repository Name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Specify unique name.
CAT-1013 One or more duplicate attribute names. Specify unique names.
CAT-1014 Synchronization format name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Specify unique name.
CAT-1015 One or more duplicate attribute names. Specify unique names.
CAT-1016 Synchronization profile name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Specify different name.
CAT-1017 Invalid attribute definitions:<br><br> <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>.
CAT-1018 Input map name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Input map names defined for a repository must be unique.
CAT-1019 No filter expression specified.
CAT-1020 Data source name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Specify unique name.
CAT-1021 Specified attribute name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Specify different name.
CAT-1022 Specified subset rule name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Specify different name.
CAT-1023 Filter expression not well formed. Ensure expression complies with ANSI SQL syntax. Use '(' or ')' to group expressions. The following operators can also be used - '<', '>', '=', '<>' ,' AND', 'OR'.
CAT-1027 Stale data; data modified by another user or process.
CAT-1028 Object being deleted does not exist. It may have been already deleted by another user.
CAT-1029 Output map name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Output map name must be unique for a repository.
CAT-1030 Repository or output map with name or ID <Parameter name='NAME'> does not exist; may have been already deleted by another user.
CAT-1032 Classification scheme name <Parameter name='NAME'> already in use. Classification scheme name must be unique for classifications defined for a repository.
CAT-1037 <Parameter name='TYPE'> with name or ID <Parameter name='NAME'> not found; deleted by another user or process or purged.
CAT-1039 Record not found. No specific error reported; programming error.
CAT-1040 Data source upload failed for <Parameter name='NAME'>'. State - <Parameter name='NAME'>, Additional information: <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>, Additional Message - <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
CAT-1042 Data source upload failed. <Parameter name='NUMBER'> records could not be loaded.
CAT-1043 File upload failed. Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
CAT-1044 Data source <Parameter name='DATASOURCE_NAME'> associated with input map <Parameter name='NAME'> not uploaded. Input map cannot be used for import.
CAT-1047 File <Parameter name='FILENAME'> assigned to one of the attributes could not be retrieved while trying to save record <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>.
CAT-1048 Attempt to change read only repository object; program error.
CAT-1050 Import failed. <Parameter name='NUMBER'> records could not be imported for repository <Parameter name='NAME'>.
CAT-1051 Only one repository can be imported at a time. (<Parameter name='NUMBER'>) specified.
CAT-1052 Filewatcher already processed file <Parameter name='FILENAME'> for data set <Parameter name='NAME'>. To avoid duplicate entries, Filewatcher will not process files with duplicate names unless reconfigured. File can be submitted after rename to make name unique.
CAT-1053 No data sources associated with input map <Parameter name='NAME'>. Invalid Input map; cannot be used for import.
CAT-1054 One or more data sources associated with input map <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted. Invalid input map; cannot be used for import.
CAT-1061 At least one output map must be defined to create synchronization profile for repository.
CAT-1062 Repository <Parameter name='NAME'> not found for organization (ID = <Parameter name='PARTYID'>).
CAT-1063 Output map <Parameter name='VALUE'> not found.
CAT-1064 Classification scheme <Parameter name='VALUE'> not found.
CAT-1065 Cannot upload specified file <Parameter name='VALUE'>; invalid file name or file does not exist or is empty.
CAT-1066 Record attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'> in repository <Parameter name='CATALOG_NAME'> does not exist.
CAT-1067 Attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'> not defined for repository <Parameter name='CATALOG_NAME'>.
CAT-1068 No credentials for Backend System <Parameter name='VALUE'> (<Parameter name='VARIABLE'>) defined on <Parameter name='VARIABLE2'>.
CAT-1069 Integration Hub or Backend System credentials not provided. Correct and re-try.
CAT-1071 Synchronization Format '<Parameter name='NAME'>' cannot be modified as Synchronization has already been performed.
CAT-1105 This catalog action was performed at your request.
CAT-1133 Invalid data in attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'>. <Parameter name='CATALOG_PRODUCT_DATA'> cannot be converted to <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE'>.
CAT-1134 Invalid data in attribute <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'>. <Parameter name='CATALOG_PRODUCT_DATA'> length (<Parameter name='CATALOG_PRODUCT_DATA_LENGTH'>) exceeds maximum allowed length (<Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH'>).
CAT-1136 Duplicate: Record data duplicate of previous version; ignored during import.
CAT-1138 Warning: Record data same as previous version; save request ignored.
CAT-1139 Warning: Image file '<Parameter name='CATALOG_PRODUCT_DATA'>' missing for record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>).
CAT-1140 Warning: Image file '<Parameter name='CATALOG_PRODUCT_DATA'>' not in one of two acceptable formats (JPEG or GIF). Image ignored.
CAT-1141 Record <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'> not found.
CAT-1142 Reason: <Parameter name='REASON'> Comment: <Parameter name='COMMENT'>.
CAT-1149 Invalid relationship type (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) specified in 'Contains' attribute.
CAT-1150 Could not parse 'Contains' attribute into 3 parts - record ID, record ID extension, quantity.
CAT-1151 'Contains' attribute must include record ID and quantity.
CAT-1154 Record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>,<Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>) specified in 'Contains' attribute does not exist.t.
CAT-1155 Invalid quantity (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) specified in 'Contains' attribute; must be an integer value greater than 0.
CAT-1156 Record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>,<Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>) specified in 'Contains' attribute cannot be identical to parent record.
CAT-1157 Related record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>) forms a cyclic relationship with parent record. Parent record is unconfirmed and may be pending in the workflow.
CAT-1158 Related record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>,<Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>) quantity (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) must have quantity as integer and value greater than 0.
CAT-1161 Related record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>,<Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>) forms a cyclic relationship for <Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_NAME'> with parent record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID2'>,<Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT2'>)
CAT-1173 Failed to get synchronization profile ID from request object. Additional Information: <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>.
CAT-1177 No response received for message <Parameter name='UCCNET_MSGTYPE'> - <Parameter name='UCCNET_MSGSUBTYPE'> for record <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>, version <Parameter name='PRODUCTVERSION'>. Message assumed to have failed.
CAT-1180 Error processing record <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>, version <Parameter name='PRODUCTVERSION'> for <Parameter name='OPERATION'> operation.
CAT-1182 Related record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>,<Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>) specified pending deletion.
CAT-1183 Compliance failed for relationships specified for record (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>). Specified value: (<Parameter name='VALUE'>).
CAT-1184 No record exists with Record ID=<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, Record ID Extension=<Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>. Change record ID or record ID extension.
CAT-1185 The given record is not associated with the given workitem
CAT-1201 Organization currently not subscribed to any integration hub. Ensure subscription to at least one integration hub before attempting to synchronize.
CAT-1202 Synchronization profile associated with integration hub <Parameter name='NAME'> not subscribed by your organization. Subscribe to the specified integration hub first.
CAT-1203 Already subscribed to this integration hub.
CAT-1224 Synchronization operation manually performed.
CAT-1225 Cannot delete the only input map associated with repository.
CAT-1226 Repository name not specified; incorrect configuration or program error.
CAT-1227 <Parameter name='COMMENT'>
CAT-1228 Invalid characters in relationship name (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) specified in 'Contains' attribute. ". (, : )" characters not allowed in relationship name.
CAT-1229 Reverse relationship name (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) cannot be specified in 'Contains' attribute; relationship not processed.
CAT-1230 Invalid command (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) specified in 'Contains' attribute; relationship not processed. Valid command types: DELETE and DELETEALL.
CAT-1231 Record specified in 'Contains' attribute does not exist (<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'>). 'Contains' attribute value specified as (<Parameter name='VALUE'>).
CAT-1232 Cannot create copy of synchronization profile; repository <Parameter name='NAME'> not found, may have been deleted.
CAT-1233 Repository <Parameter name='VALUE'> not found, may have been deleted.
CAT-1234 Repository <Parameter name='NAME'> has been deleted.
CAT-1235 Table name <Parameter name='TABLE_NAME'> already in use. Specify unique name.
CAT-1236 Specified repository attribute column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> in use. Specify unique name.
CAT-1238 Invalid Input map; no data source selected. Select at least one data source.
CAT-1239 Invalid Input map; no common key defined.
CAT-1240 Invalid Map; no source expressions defined.
CAT-1241 Specified new record keys already assigned to another record. Change record ID and/or extension to make unique.
CAT-1242 Specified new record keys assigned to another record before, not recommended to re-assign.
CAT-1243 Invalid boolean value specified. Value must be TRUE or FALSE.
CAT-1244 Repository deleted; cannot use synchronization profile.
CAT-1245 No repository version found for specified date.
CAT-1246 Note: All output files greater than <Parameter name='VALUE'> MB will automatically be zipped.
CAT-1247 Associate GPC/UDEX classification scheme with repository for synchronization with predefined integration hubs.
CAT-1248 No differences in attributes between records <Parameter name='VALUE'> and <Parameter name='VALUE2'>.
CAT-1249 Quantity changed from <Parameter name='VALUE'> to <Parameter name='VALUE2'>.
CAT-1250 Table Name <Parameter name='TABLE_NAME'> contains non-English characters. Ensure only English characters are used.
CAT-1251 Table Name <Parameter name='TABLE_NAME'> contains illegal characters.
CAT-1252 Table Name <Parameter name='TABLE_NAME'> must start with alphanumeric character.
CAT-1253 Table Name <Parameter name='TABLE_NAME'> must not be more than 30 characters.
CAT-1254 Table Name <Parameter name='TABLE_NAME'> cannot have spaces. Replace spaces with _ (underscore) or correct table name.
CAT-1256 Database column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> for attribute <Parameter name='NAME'> specified for more than one attribute. Choose a different name.
CAT-1257 Database column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> contains non-English characters. Ensure that only English characters are used.
CAT-1258 Database column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> contains illegal characters.
CAT-1259 Database column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> must start with alphanumeric character.
CAT-1260 Database column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> must not be more than 29 characters.
CAT-1261 Database column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> cannot have spaces. Replace spaces with _ (underscore) or provide a valid name.
CAT-1262 No display name available for attribute <Parameter name='NAME'>. Display name is required.
CAT-1263 Invalid display name for attribute <Parameter name='NAME'>. Display name cannot begin with '*'.
CAT-1264 Display name for attribute <Parameter name='NAME'> longer than allowed length of <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
CAT-1265 Attribute <Parameter name='NAME'> has the same display name of <Parameter name='VALUE'> as attribute <Parameter name='VALUE2'>. Provide unique values.
CAT-1266 Invalid table name or reserved database keyword specified as table name. Consult database documentation for complete list of reserved keywords and valid table names.
CAT-1267 Specified column name <Parameter name='DB_COLUMN_NAME'> invalid or reserved database keyword. Consult database documentation for complete list of reserved keywords and valid column names.
CAT-1268 Error creating index on table name <Parameter name='TABLE_NAME'>. Try a shorter table name.
CAT-1269 Record not found for record key ID <Parameter name='ID'>. Program error.
CAT-1270 Record <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'> not found for specified state <Parameter name='RECORD_STATE'>.
CAT-1271 Invalid synchronization profile; backend system <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1272 Email <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1273 FTP address <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1274 Company credential <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1275 Subset rule <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1276 Output map <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1277 Catalog format <Parameter name='VALUE'> associated with output map <Parameter name='VALUE2'> deleted.
CAT-1278 Invalid associated classification scheme; has been deleted.
CAT-1279 Synchronization format <Parameter name='VALUE2'> not supported by Integration hub <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
CAT-1280 Repository does not support output formats of integration hub <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
CAT-1281 Record not found: Repository ID = <Parameter name='ID'>, RecordKeyID = <Parameter name='PRODUCTKEYID'>, ModVersion = <Parameter name='VERSION'>.
CAT-1282 Record not found: Repository ID = <Parameter name='ID'>, RecordKeyID = <Parameter name='PRODUCTKEYID'>, OwnerID = <Parameter name='VALUE'>, OwnerType = <Parameter name='TYPE'>, IncludeUnconfirmed=<Parameter name='STATUS'>.
CAT-1283 Record not found: Repository ID = <Parameter name='ID'>, RecordKeyID = <Parameter name='PRODUCTKEYID'>.
CAT-1284 Output format not selected.
CAT-1285 Forward relationship <Parameter name='NAME'> already exists for repository.
CAT-1286 Reverse relationship <Parameter name='NAME'> already exists for repository.
CAT-1287 No repositories defined; cannot define subset rule.
CAT-1288 Specified output map name <Parameter name='NAME'> same as pre-defined output map. Specify unique name.
CAT-1289 No change to record; modify record before saving.
CAT-1290 <Parameter name='VALUE'> successfully initiated import. Monitor event progress by clicking here: <Parameter name='VALUE2'> Check Progress <Parameter name='NAME'>.
CAT-1291 Could not import data for <Parameter name='VALUE'>. Verify source.
CAT-1292 Invalid source expression <Parameter name='VALUE'> for attribute <Parameter name='VALUE2'>.
CAT-1294 Attribute <Parameter name='MULTIVALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> not supported as multi-value attribute.
CAT-1295 Relationship attribute <Parameter name='RELATIONSHIP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> cannot be defined as multi-value, quick viewable, or unique.
CAT-1296 Failed to save record after <Parameter name='CATALOG_EDITION_PRODUCT_MAX_INSERT_RETRY'> re-tries.
CAT-1297 Another version <Parameter name='MODVERSION'> of record <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'> already exists.
CAT-1298 Failed to save after <Parameter name='CATALOG_PRODUCT_MAX_INSERT_RETRY'> tries.
CAT-1299 Invalid synchronization profile; corresponding repository <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1300 No differences in attributes between records <Parameter name='VALUE'> and <Parameter name='VALUE2'> as well as <Parameter name='VALUE'> and <Parameter name='VALUE3'>.
CAT-1301 No differences in relationship data.
CAT-1302 Attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> not defined as multi-value.
CAT-1303 Attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> defined as multi-value.
CAT-1304 Synchronization profile <Parameter name='NAME'> not defined.
CAT-1352 No record(s) selected for import into repository <Parameter name='VALUE2'>.
CAT-1353 <Parameter name='VALUE'> record(s) selected for import into repository <Parameter name='VALUE2'>. Approval required.
CAT-1354 Record <Parameter name='VALUE'> in <Parameter name='VALUE2'> has conflicts. Action required to resolve conflicts.
CAT-1355 Attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> should have unique value. Following product(s) in record bundle already has/have this value.
CAT-1356 Duplicate Error: Record (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) exists.
CAT-1357 Conflict Error: Record (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) has conflicts.
CAT-1358 Roll-Down failed for record <Parameter name='VALUE'>; related record <Parameter name='VALUE2'> currently in another workflow.
CAT-1359 Roll-Down failed for record <Parameter name='VALUE'>; related record <Parameter name='VALUE2'> currently in another workflow and pending with user <Parameter name='VALUE3'>.
CAT-1360 Roll-Down failed for record <Parameter name='VALUE'>; related record <Parameter name='VALUE2'> currently in another workflow.
CAT-1361 Roll-Down failed for record <Parameter name='VALUE'>; related product <Parameter name='VALUE2'> currently in another workflow and pending with user <Parameter name='VALUE3'>
CAT-1362 Attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> has duplicate values. Values are: <Parameter name='VALUE'>.
CAT-1363 Cannot save record; record already exists. If you cannot find a confirmed version of this record, it may currently be in add or delete approval process.
CAT-1364 Mass update failed for attribute (<Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'>), as mass update for multi-value attributes is not supported.
CAT-1365 Import may not have completed. Imported records cannot be browsed.
CAT-1366 Attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> is transformed from (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) to (<Parameter name='VALUE2'>).
CAT-1367 <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> cannot be empty.
CAT-1368 One or more of specified column names invalid or reserved database keyword. Consult database documentation for complete list of reserved keywords and valid column names.
CAT-1369 Record <Parameter name='RECORD_EFFDATE'> (<Parameter name='RECORD_EFFDATE_VALUE'>) cannot be greater than relationship <Parameter name='REL_EFFDATE'> (<Parameter name='REL_EFFDATE_VALUE'>) value.
CAT-1370 Relationship cannot be created with future records.
CAT-1371 Relationship attribute 'QUANTITY' is not defined for relationship '<Parameter name='NAME'>' or its type is not INTEGER.
CAT-1372 The record has one or more existing future dated versions. Current version <Parameter name='MODVERSION'> of record <Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>, <Parameter name='PRODUCTEXT'> can not be deleted.
CAT-1373 Repository <Parameter name='VALUE'> is enabled with future effective date. Relationship (<Parameter name='NAME'>) also needs to be enabled for future effective date.
CAT-1374 Multi-value column name '<Parameter name='VALUE'> ' cannot have more than 26 characters.
CAT-1375 Error threshold exceeded during Import.
CAT-1376 Warning: Record is being processed in workflow and currently pending with '<Parameter name='USER'>' ('<Parameter name='VERSION'>'). For more details, use Record Usage.
CAT-1377 Warning: Record's data cannot be modified as it is in workflow and is pending with '<Parameter name='USER'>' ('<Parameter name='VERSION'>'). For more details, use Record Usage.
CAT-1378 Warning: Record is being processed in workflow and currently pending with '<Parameter name='USER'>' ('<Parameter name='VERSION'>').
CAT-1379 Warning: Record's data cannot be modified as it is in workflow and is pending with '<Parameter name='USER'>' ('<Parameter name='VERSION'>').
CAT-1380 Relationship name is not specified for repository <Parameter name='REPOSITORY_NAME'>.
CAT-1381 End Effective Date should be greater than Future Effective Date.
CAT-1382 Data source <Parameter name='NAME'> not found.
CAT-1383 Attribute <Parameter name='ATTRIBUTE_NAME'> not supported as Category Specific attribute.
CAT-1384 PRODUCTID cannot be null. A value must be either specified or assigned from an external source.
CAT-1385 Repository <Parameter name='NAME'> not defined.
CAT-1386 Output <Parameter name='NAME'> map not defined.
CAT-1387 Repository <Parameter name='NAME'> deleted.
CAT-1388 Output <Parameter name='NAME'> map deleted.
CAT-1395 No differences in classifications.
CAT-1396 Record ID missing.
CAT-1397 Record ID and Extension in use for another record.
CAT-1398 Record ID and Extension in use for another record, which is being deleted.
CAT-1402 The same record appeared more than once, ignored.
CAT-1403 Unique constraints violated.
CAT-1404 Record empty, ignored.
CAT-1405 Too many digits in integer.
CAT-1406 Scale exceeds maximum allowed.
CAT-1407 Precision exceeds maximum allowed.
CAT-1408 Boolean value must not exceed 5 characters.
CAT-1409 Length of value exceeds maximum allowed characters.
CAT-1410 Keys do not map to the unique identity.
CAT-1411 Identity already assigned, it cannot be changed.
CAT-1412 Incorrect <Parameter name='VALUE'> type specified.
CAT-1413 Attribute Group Name has invalid character. Only alphanumeric and '_*.-@/' characters are allowed.
CAT-1414 Duplicate attribute group name entered for same attribute group owner.
CAT-1415 Too many digits in long value.
CAT-17000 Relationship created.
CAT-17001 Relationship attributes created/updated.
CAT-17002 Failed to create relationship.
CAT-17003 Failed to update relationship.
CAT-17004 Relationship attributes updated.
CAT-17005 No change in relationship attributes.
CAT-17006 Relationship attributes created.
CAT-17007 Duplicate relationship.
CAT-17008 Relationship rejected; failed to create a relationship.
CAT-17009 <Parameter name='CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE'> has failed validation. The value (<Parameter name='VALUE'>) was not present in the valid value list.
CAT-17010 Input map <Parameter name='NAME'> not defined.
CAT-17011 Subset <Parameter name='NAME'> not defined.
CAT-17012 Record modified by another user.
CAT-17013 Invalid extraction method <Parameter name='NAME'>.
CAT-17014 Invalid classification type <Parameter name='NAME'>.
CAT-17015 Description required.
CAT-17016 Name required.
CAT-17017 At least one logical level required.
CAT-17018 Name too long, should be <Parameter name='NUMBER'> or less characters.
CAT-17019 Description too long, should be <Parameter name='NUMBER'> or less characters.
CAT-17020 Position must be more than 1.
CAT-17021 Duplicate position.
CAT-17022 Rulebase required.
CAT-17023 Attributes required.
CAT-17024 Multiple records exist with Record ID=<Parameter name='PRODUCTID'>. Provide a unique ID (and Extension).
CAT-17025 Lookup key does not match record ID/EXT.
CAT-17026 The details of record do not match the work item reference provided.
CAT-17027 No repository exists in this enterprise.
CAT-17028 The <Parameter name='VALUE'> data source attribute does not match with the <Parameter name='VALUE2'> header attribute in the provided input file.
CAT-17029 The number of data source attributes does not match with the number of header attributes in the input file.
CAT-17030 This line is incompletely populated. Data columns are less than the actual values that need to be specified.
CAT-17031 Blocked by event/s -
CAT-17032 Blocking to event/s -