Configuration Storage

TIBCO MDM configuration is stored under following directories:

Configuration Storage Directories
Directory Description
MQ_HOME/config This directory stores all instance configurations. The best practice is to use a version control system to store and version all configuration files
MQ_COMMON_DIR/<enterprise specific directory> This sub-directory is identified by the enterprise internal name, specified when the enterprise is created. The best practice is to store all customizations under this directory (i.e. workflows, custom validation class – java, rulebases) and store and version all these files under a version control system.
MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard This directory contains the standard configuration component provided with the product. The best practice is to never modify these files. If not modified, these files need not be backed up.
Customization TIBCO MDM can be extended by customization to workflows, rulebases, work items, and so on. Many of these customizations are typically compiled from Java and html. Best practice is to store the source and binary files under version control system.