Exporting Records Using Quick Export


  1. Click Quick Export on the Search Record List page, Browse Subset page, or View Records page or Relationship tab. The Quick Export dialog box is displayed.
  2. In the Quick Export dialog box, you can set the following options:
    • Records: Select All to export all records or select Selected to export selected records.
    • Attributes: Select All to export all attributes or Visible to export the visible attributes.For Visible option, attributes marked as Display In Record List on the Attribute Details dialog box are exported.
    • Delivery: Select either Immediate or E-mail option to receive the exported data.
      Warning: The E-mail option is not supported for the TIBCO Cloud MDM 3.0.0 release.
  3. Click Export.
    • If you have selected the Immediate option, the File Download dialog box is displayed.
    • If you have selected the E-mail option, a confirmation message is displayed.

      For more information on the Immediate and Email options, refer to Export Delivery Options.

  4. Click Save on the File Download dialog box. The Save As dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select the location and click Save. The file containing exported records and filtered attributes is saved to the selected location.